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Vas Happening?!So the song for this chapter is say something by Great Big World.Hope you liked it and also I you might have to replay it cause IDK if the whole song will play when you read it.


Isabella's POV:

Jonathan walked in and I haven't seen him in a while."Hey Johny how's it going?"

"I could be better if I knew you weren't just in a coma and came to the hospital for cutting yourself again."His face was full of disappointment and I wasn't surprised I am a failure.

"Please Jonathan I don't want to talk about this.Mom and me already had this huge fight."

"Yeah we know.Everyone in the hospital heard it!"Fuck!

"Is it true?"He asked while looking down.


"That dad wouldn't know if any of us ever died."He looked up and tears were washing down his face.

"I wouldn't want to believe it but I don't know John."

"What happened to him?Why did he leave?"

"I honestly don't know the answer to that but apparently he is living the life kid free."

"Does he love us still?"He asked.

"John why are you asking all these questions now.I haven't seen you in like a week and now you come here asking question about our idiot father.You know you could've said hello first."I snapped.I didn't want to think about that asshole right now when he doesn't think of us.

"I am sorry that I am thinking about OUR father.My life is so confusing Belle.They want me to write about him and I know nothing about him!He just left us!Gone!"

"And that's my problem.I am as clueless as you.He just left us!And I don't care about him anymore.And you should too!"The tears were coming again.Then my doctor walked in.

"Isabella can I talk to you with your mom."I nodded and Jonathan stormed out.Then my mom entered with this depressed look on her face.

"So everything is healthy with you now except your depression.We are going to give you medication and your mom is getting a psychologist."She explained.

"I don't need none of that."I answered.

"I am sorry to say this but you do."I shook my head.

"I'm fine!"I snapped.

"No you are not and I don't want to hear it."Scolded my mom.

"I am nine-teen.I can take care of myself!"She shook her head and the doctor continued to explain but I blocked her out.At least I am leaving today.I soon got up and changed once I was done I went to the waiting room and was attacked by a hug.But I wasn't in the mood.

"Belle we missed you so much."Said Niall.

"Yeah we waited all this time for you."Replied Louis.

"Thanks guys."That's all I said and once they let me I sat on the chair and brought my legs to my stomach and sat there to stare at the wall.

"Belle are you okay?"Asked Liam.

"No."I mumbled.

"C'mon let's go."Said Olivia.Zayn came by me and held my hand.When we arrived at the dorms I went up and everyone came with me.

"Okay I know what I did was wrong but you don't have to monitor me twenty-four seven."

"Well I am going anyways and Olivia is here watching you everyone else you know the plan."Said my mom and everyone left besides Zayn and Olivia.

"Well I don't know about you guys but I am tired so I am going to bed."And with that I jumped on the bed and knocked out.


And now I hope you are liking the story and the song choices so yeah luv ya!


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