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Vas Happening?!So I was watching Pretty Little Liars and all I kept thinking of was that is Belle in my story.LOL!But anyways here is another chapy!


Isabella's POV:

It has been two hours since Olivia has been gone and I am by self.I even thought maybe I can go to the movies with me,myself,and I.But then I remembered maybe I can go with Harry we are friends right?So I called him.After four rings he picked up saying:

"Hello Belle!Whats up?"

"Hey Harry are you doing anything?"

"No just watching T.V with the lads.Why is everything okay?"

"Yeah everything is fine.I was just bored and thought maybe you want to go to a movie with me.You know as friends of course."I explained.

"Ah sure I will be right over."And he hanged up.I was fine to go to movies in what I am wearing.So I was just going through my Instagram and Twitter.Then after ten minutes a knock came by my door.I jumped up and opened it.

"Hey Harry-"But it wasn't Harry it was Zayn.

"Sorry I was expecting him."I said.

"What are you doing here?"I finally asked.He just stood there and then started to explain:

"Oh forget it I didn't know you were expecting company I will just go."I stared at his chocolate,brown eyes and his beautiful baby pink lips.His tattoos were just perfect for his strong-.Wait what the fuck am I saying?!

"No it's okay he won't be here for another five minutes come in.I guess."I mumbled at the end.

"Well I won the Fray tickets for two people and no one I know likes them besides you.So I was wondering if you would like to come with me tomorrow?"He asked.Is he fucking serious?

"Okay I have two things that is very bipolar."He laughed and then I began to speak again:

"First one okay.Oh my god you got the The Fray tickets.That is awesome I would love to come."He laughed once again.Then here is my bitchy side Zayn.

"Second one.Zayn who the fuck do you think you are?That you can just ask me to come with you to a place and just think that hey everything is alright after I just made your boyfriend break up with you."He had such a broken face and then Harry walked in.His face turned from normal to happy.

"Did something just happen?"We shook our heads and then Zayn walked

"Well let's go to the movies!"I said.I got my phone and bag and we left.

"Are you sure nothing happened?"I shook my head and smiled.

"I swear on my mothers grave that nothing happened."He laughed and we went to the movies.Once we arrived at the place I asked Harry what we were going to watch.

"How about we watch the Purge?"I asked.

"Umm..I don't want you to get sacred."Said Harry nervously.

"Aww are you scared of scary movies Harry?"

"No."He stated and I laughed again.

"Yes you are!Its okay I love scary movies and I will keep you protected."I laughed and so did he.Once we got in Harry and I bought our popcorn.

"Throw a piece in my mouth."Said Harry.I took one and threw it by his mouth which we he missed and we both were bursting with laughter.

"Aww how long have you guys been dating?"Said the cashier.We looked at each other and laughed more.

"We aren't dating at all."I laughed.She smiled and finished our order.After our little game with the popcorn we went into the movie and sat all the way in the back.First it was the movie previews then the movie came.As we were watching it,I looked to side and saw Harry with this face of horror and I laughed.

"What?"He said confused.

"Nothing it is just your face is priceless."I laughed more until a gun shot went off in the movie.I was not expecting that.I jumped right by Harry and he caught me.If you had a crush on him it would have probably been the best moment of your life.He laughed more and so did I.I moved back to my seat and said:

"Sorry I wasn't expecting that."I smiled.He did the same and said:

"Has anyone ever told that you have a cute smile."That's when it faded.Did he really just say that?I guess he noticed and blurted out:

"Oh my I didn't mean to say that!Sorry!"I smiled awkwardly and said that it was fine.But throughout the whole movie all I could think was:I thought Harry liked Olivia and does he like me now?God why does my life have to be so difficult?!

Once the movie was done he walked me to my dorm.But before he left I said:

"Thanks for coming with me.I had a fun time!"

"Yeah me too.Thanks for inviting me!"I smiled in return.

Harry's POV:

Her dimples were so deep and cute.I think I was starting to even have a...crush on her.Her smile was beautiful.And her eyes made me melt inside.And just her laugh made me want to kiss her.Now I know why Zayn likes her."Thanks for coming with me.I had a fun time!"

"Yeah me too.Thanks for inviting me!"She smiled at me and I just couldn't help it.I leaned in to kiss her but I knew she wouldn't approve so I just gave her hug instead.She was I guess weirded out and I waved and left.God what was she doing to me?

Isabella's POV:

Oh no he is going to kiss me!But instead he hugged me.Just a friendly hug,I guess.He waved and walked away looking disappointed.What just happened?But I just didn't feel like thinking about it so I walked into my room with Olivia there on her phone."Hey you're back!Is your sister okay?"I ran to the kitchen to get something to drink before she said anything.

"She is fine.Thank god!But anyways where were you?"

"Oh me and Harry were bored she we went to the movies."she nodded and then said:

"Well anyways I am going to go to bed.I am tired!"And with that we both went to bed.


Hope you liked it and sorry I updated late!Luv ya my Stylers


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