Imagine: Coming home (Luke)

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When Luke got home that night, you had already been asleep for a while. He should have been home since the morning, but their flight got delayed, so you had to struggle through another day disappointed and missing him terribly. He opened the door to the bedroom softly and tiptoed in, removing his sweater and shoes as he moved toward the bed. It had been months since he’d slept next to you in this bed.

In the dim light of the moon, he could see your face, drying tear tracks on your cheeks and your features contorted as though you were in pain, and it almost broke his heart. He wondered if you had been sleeping well at all while he was gone, knowing and dreading the answer. He could think about all the time he’d missed and the pain that he’d caused you, but he didn’t want to. He wanted to forget, because he was here now, and he was going to be there for you.

He climbed into bed and wrapped his arms around you tight, gently smoothing out the worry lines in your forehead as he began to sing a soft lullaby to you. Barely paying attention to the words, he let them come to him as he focused on your features that were slowly relaxing, and he smiled. He kept humming even as he himself started drifting off, hoping that peaceful nights like this were more to come.

Credits to tumblr :)

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