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Jason's POV

"To my best friend. I wish you many years of happiness with Sydney." toasted Sean.

"And lots of sex," said Chris. Jackson punched Chris in the arm. "Ow okay sorry many happy years."

We cheered and drank. It was me, Sean, Chris, and Jackson on the office floor of one of my clubs. All of us have girls so we weren't up to going to a strip club. I invited Jackson because I knew it would mean a lot to Sydney if we could be cordial to each other. I had some of the workers here bring up a couple of bottles of different drinks for us. "Look thank you guys for being here. It means a lot to me and Sydney for you guys to be here on our special day."

They nodded. "You're my best friend and even though I have only known Sydney for a little while she's become a good friend of mine. I'm happy for both of you," said Sean.

"You and Sean took me in when I first moved to the country and treated me as your own and Sydney's been my family since we were born. Treat her good," said Chris.

Jackson sighed. "Look man Sydney is really important to me and Amelia. I don't think I have to tell you how Amelia and I feel about Sydney. I never really liked you but you are good for her and as long as you stay good to her then we're good," said Jackson.

I nodded. "Thank you guys." we continued drinking.

Chris's phone rang. He pulled it out of his pocket. "It's my mom," he said. "I gotta answer it."

"Mama's boy" I chuckled.

He rolled his eyes. "My mother is the regent of the Sicilian mafia. I don't answer her call she'll kill me." he stood up and walked to a corner. He started speaking Italian. After a minute he started to sound angry. He soon hung up and walked back over to us. "We need to go back to the house."

"What? Why?" I questioned. "Did something happen to the girls?"

"Madi ordered a damn stripper" growled Chris. "Oh, she's in trouble."

We all looked at each other before chugging our drinks and getting up. We went to our cars and drove like madmen back to the house. Chris texted us an idea to get back at the girls. We all agreed. We arrived at the house and walked up to the front door. We opened the front door and walked inside.

In the living room was the girls and a mostly naked man giving an annoyed Sydney a lap dance. I stormed over to the guy and threw him off of her. "Jason!" shouted Sydney.

"Get out dude before I beat your ass for dancing on my girl" I growled.

The guy nodded and grabbed his clothes before running out of the house. Sydney walked around and wrapped her arms around my waist laying her head on my chest. "I didn't know Madi bought a stripper I swear. I told her not to," she whispered.

I wrapped my arms around her and kissed the top of her head. "I know. You know better than that. But you did let that guy dance on you."

She leaned back and opened her mouth in shock. "I was hardly a willing participant."

I shrugged. "You could have told him to get off. So now you gonna get taught a lesson." I picked her up and sat her back in the chair.

"Jason? What are you doing? I already apologized." She whined. I smirked. The guys walked back into the living rooms with more fold-out chairs and scarves. Sean led Sam over to the chair and had her sit. Jackson gently pushed a practically willing Amelia on to the chair. Madi bolted out of the room only to have Chris carry her back in over his shoulder and sit her down. We tied the girl's arms behind their backs."The fuck is going on Jason?"

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