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We arrived in Florence 13 hours later. Chris had a car pick us up from the airport to take us to his parent's estate. It took us two hours to drive to the house. When we got there, we were met by a man and a woman. The lady, Chris' Mom Ariana, had long dirty blonde hair and brown eyes. She was a beautiful lady in her late thirties early forties. The man, Chris' father Giovanni, had brown hair and brown eyes, he looked just like an older version of Chris.

Ariana came up and gave Chris a kiss on the cheek. "Bambino, I missed you." she then slapped the back of his head. "Why haven't you called your mother?"

"I'm sorry, mamma. But look who's here." he turned to us.

Ariana gasped and smiled at us. " Dio Mio. (oh my god)" she grabbed our hands. " it's been so long. I've missed you both so much."

"We missed you guys too,"I told her. She hugged us and then we walked to Chris' dad. "Gio" I smiled and hugged him.

"Ciao Tesoro." he kissed my cheek. "Connor." he hugged him before we walked into the house.

"Zia, zio. This is Amelia Gray, she's a friend of mine. (aunt, uncle)"I told them. They shook hands.

"Well look, you guys had such a long flight. Let me show you to your rooms." Gio walked us upstairs, Chris and Connor had rooms next to each other and Amelia and I had the rooms across from them. I went to my room, unpacked, then went to sleep.


The next morning I woke up to the smell of pancakes and bacon. I went downstairs and saw Ariana making food and Gio sitting at the counter reading the newspaper. I kissed them both on the cheek, grabbing a plate of food and sitting down.

Soon Amelia, Chris, and Connor all came downstairs and started eating. Gio got up and spoke. "Well, I have to go to work. Il crimine non si ferma (crime does not stop)"

Connor and I looked at him weirdly. "What?" I asked him.

"Papa, I don't think they know," said Chris.

"We don't know what?" I asked Gio. He didn't say anything. "Giovanni,"I warned.

Gio sighed. "Alright, you guys deserve to know." he sat back down. " your genitori were the capos of the Cosa Nostra. (Parents, boss)"

My eyes widened in shock; I turned to Connor, who had the same face as me. "ripetere, per favore. (repeat, please)"

"Syd, Connor, look. Your parents were the leaders of the Sicilian mafia. When-when your parents died Ariana and I took over. You and Connor were to take over when you turned 21."

"But... why didn't anyone tell us?" Connor asked.

"Your parents were going to tell you, but they died before they could. I just wish you guys were in Italy when they died, you could have stayed with us," said Ariana.

"Are you saying we could have been living in Italy instead of America?" I asked.

"Well yeah, technically," said Gio.

"So all of the shit that happened to me wouldn't have happened," I said.

"What are you talking about Tesoro?" asked Gio.

Connor, Amelia and I exchanged a look. "Nothing, zio." we had a stare off before he let it go.

"So, looks like we have a lot to talk about," said Ariana.

And that's what we did...

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