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Staying hand in hand we walked to the door with everyone. My eyes went big when I saw the guard at the door. I grabbed Jason's arm tight and slightly moved behind him. Jason looked at me confused before he took his arm from my grasp and put it around me protectively.

"Invitation," said the guard. Sean handed ours to him as I stayed pressed against Jason. The guard nodded in approval. He was about to let us through when he saw me. " I'm sorry, but do I know you miss?" he asked.

My eyes widened and I quickly shook my head. "No sir" I whispered just loud enough for him to here.

He looked at me strangely for a moment but let it go and let us through. Entering the house I blew out a breath of relief. "You okay Tesoro?" asked Chris.

I looked back at him, I smiled and nodded. "Of course, why wouldn't I be?"

We continued walking to the back of the house where there was a ballroom. Jason stopped us at the entrance and spoke softly in my ear. "I know something's up with you but I don't know what. Would you like to enlighten me?"

I pulled away slightly. "I don't know what you're talking about." I smiled at him.

"Don't lie to me princess," he said in a way that meant I shouldn't lie to him.

I looked him straight in the eyes, slightly challenging him. "I'm not lying, now are we going to stand here all night or are we going to go and enjoy the party?"

He sighed but grabbed my hand softly and walked us into the party. Letting go of his hand, I grabbed two glasses of champagne from a passing waiter, handing one to Jason. He accepted it and we both took a sip.

"C'mon there's some people I want you to meet," said Jason after finishing his drink. He grabbed my hand and started guiding me another way. I quickly finished my drink and put in on an empty tray being carried by a passing waiter.

He leads me over to a man and woman who immediately made me stop. "Jason, who are they?" I asked knowing I wasn't going to like the answer.

He stared at me strangely. "My parents. You're doing it again, what's wrong?" he questioned.

"N-nothing it's just why do I have to meet your parents?" I asked trying to find a way out of it.

"My mom wanted to meet you, now c'mon." he pulled me to them. The man was an identical copy of Jason just older, and the lady had long brown hair with a little gray and the same eyes as Jason.

"Jason darling, it's so good to see you again." said the woman.

"Mother." Jason smiled and hugged her. He then nodded at his father. "Father."

"Son.. and who is this?" he looked me up and down in a disapproving manner.

Jason put his arm around my waist. "This is Sydney Fields, Sydney these are my parents Stephanie and Craig."

"Umm it's Black actually, uh it's nice to meet you both," I said nervously. "Can I go find Chris?" I whispered to Jason. He nodded reluctantly.

"You look really familiar, have we met?" asked Mr. King.

"N-no I don't believe so," I said and started to step away.

"Wait a second," said Mrs. King, she looked at me intently before gasping. "Annelise?"

I sighed. "Merda... hi Mrs. Steph." she laughed and wrapped her arms around me.

"Oh thank the lord, you're okay," she said as she gently grabbed my face in her hands.

"What are you talking about Stephanie?" asked Mr. King.

"It's Annelise Di Medici," replied Mrs. King.

He looked at in recognition and then disgust. "You're the Summers boy's whore."

Mrs. King slapped his arm. "Craig!"

"What she is, now look shes after our boy now. She-"

"I am no one's whore, nor was I ever. I never wanted any of it." I snapped.

Mr. King rolled his eyes. "You fucked members of every gang everytime you were in town. You still the same slut you have always been"

"I never did any of that by choice. I did what I had to do to survive. You can call me a lot of things but I was never a slut." I snapped. With that, I walked away looking for Chris Sean or Madi. looking around i couldn't find them but i saw a familiar face wearing a black suit and black tie...

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