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Jason's POV

"DAMN IT." I slammed my fist against the table. "You all are the best trackers and hackers in California and NONE OF YOU CAN FIND ONE FUCKING GOD DAMN GIRL"

"S-sir we have checked everywhere and-"


"Jason." I turned to see Sam in the doorway. "Come with me."

I sighed and left the office. "What do you want?"

"You need to calm down."

"Excuse me?" I asked her.

She rolled her eyes. "Don't try to act tough with me, it's never worked. Now I know you want to find her but screaming at those people won't help." I sighed. She was right. She was one of the only people I allow to talk to me so freely. Sam has always been like a sister to me. Ever since high school, she has never taken my shit. She was the only person besides Sean to not be afraid of me. Even Madi was afraid of me for a while, that is until Sam came along. She always knew exactly what to say to get me back on track.

"You're right. I need to calm down. I just- I just need to get her back."

She rubbed my arm and brushed my hair out of my face. "I know honey and we will get her back. I promise." another thing I love about her, she was always the mother of our friend group. She'd always make sure we would stay out of trouble and when we did get in trouble she would always get us out of it. She leaned up and hugged me. "Go take a break for a bit, I'll watch over them and make sure they do the work."

I let her go and nodded. "Okay. Where's Sean?"

She tilted her head back. "In the living room with Patrick." I nodded and kissed her cheek before going into the living room.

Just like she said Sean was sitting on the ground with Patrick playing with his toy cars. Sean looked up at me. "You okay man?"

I shook my head. "No. what about you?"

He shrugged. "I'll be okay man. You know Sam's worried about you we all are."

I walked over and sat down next to him. "I know."

Patrick turned to me and smiled. "Hi, uncle Jason."

I smiled down at him and messed up his hair. "Hey, kid."

"Why are you sad?" he asked. I smiled. Patrick has always been a smart kid. He picked up on a lot of things quicker than other kids his age.

"I'm just stressed, kid," I told him.

He nodded and crawled up on my lap. "I miss Ms. Sydney."

I sighed. "I miss her too."

He looked up at me. "When will she be back?" he asked.

"I don't know, kid. Hopefully soon."

"We will find her man," said Sean.

"Sean it's been four months and no sign of her or Dante," I said. "They've just disappeared."

"Don't lose hope man." he said. "we will find Sydney and your baby." The baby. I have a baby. I'm a father.

Flashback to that day

A half hour after she left I waited for her call or text to check in. When I got nothing from her I decided to call her. She didn't pick up. I called her again but she still didn't pick up. I went downstairs and found Sean in the kitchen with Sam.

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