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By the time the movie was over, it was only one o'clock. The guys weren't going to be back until at least six. I sighed. Madi gave me a sad smile and turned on another movie.

"I'm going to make some popcorn, want anything?" she asked. I shook my head. She got up and went to the kitchen. I leaned forward, putting my elbows on my knees and rubbed my head.

I felt a little finger poking, causing me to lift my head up. I saw Patrick looking at me with a cute little smile. "You look sad," he said.

"I'm alright bambino, just trying to figure something out."I smiled at him.

He climbed up onto my lap before he spoke again. "Mommy say it's okay to ask for help when you can't do somethin."

I chuckled a bit at that. He's so adorable. "You're pretty smart for your age." He smiled and blushed a bit at that. That's when I got an idea. "Bambino, would you be up to helping me with something?" he nodded eagerly. I smiled at him. "Alright so here's the plan...."


After explaining to Patrick what he had to do, my plan was going into action. I opened the front door and Patrick walked out.

"Hey, hey kid get back inside." Patrick just giggled at him and ran to the left of the house. The guard sighed and went after him.

Nice job kid.

I waited until they were farther away from the door when I ran out. Running past the driveway onto the street, I was safe.

Sighing contently I started walking down the road back to the city. I was about twenty feet away from the house when I saw the SUV's coming down the street. The first one stopped and Jason, Sean, and Chris hopped out. Fanculo.

Jason walked to me looking pissed. "What the hell Sydney?"

"What you think I was going to stay here?"

He growled at me and grabbed my hair bringing me close to his scowling face. "You are mine do you understand that? You do not leave."

I started trying to get out of his grip which only made him hold on tighter. He started walking with me back to the house still holding my hair. Opening the front door he threw me in. Barely catching myself from falling, I saw the guard with Madi, Sam, and Patrick.

"What are you doing? Letting her out." Jason yelled at the guard.

"Stop it Jason, I distracted him,"I yelled at him.

He came at me and slapped me hard against the face. My head snapped to the right and I brought my hand up to my face. His face glazed over with guilt. "Princess i-" he tried coming to me but I stepped back. Sam and Madi came forward and wrapped their arms around me.

Sean walked up to him and put his hand on Jason's shoulder. "Go cool off man."

Jason looked at me seeing the tears brimming my eyes and sighed. He walked upstairs. A few seconds later we heard the sound of his fist hitting the wall.

Sean sighed. "I'll go check on him." and he went upstairs after him. Chris walked over to me and wiped my eyes. "You okay, Dolcezza?" I smiled and nodded then sat down on the couch as Chris followed Sean upstairs.

Patrick came over to me with his head down. "I'm sowwy."

I put my fingers under his chin making him look at me. "It wasn't your fault bambino. You did everything perfectly, I just wasn't fast enough."

He smiled and gave me hug before climbing on Sam's lap. Sam turned to me with raised eyebrows. "So... you used my son as a distraction?"

I nervously chuckled. "Are you mad?"

She shook her head with a smile. "Course not, you didn't put him in any danger. I just wished he could've helped you more."

Yeah me too. Now, what am I going to do?


Just kidding guys i published another one today. I hope you like it!

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