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Jason's POV

We loaded bullets into magazines and cleaned our guns. We put on our bulletproof vests and tucked our guns and knives in our jeans and our vests. Ten of us were at a hotel in Chicago preparing to strike the house Dante is keeping Sydney. It was me, Sean, Chris, Amelia, Jackson, three of our best fighters, and two of 'the Vipers' best fighters.

"Is everyone ready?" I asked. They nodded.

"Amelia you are staying here," said Jackson

"Like hell I am." glared Amelia.

"Amelia don't you argue with me."

She stood up and put her hands on her hips. "Hazme tu puta. (make me you bitch)"

"Amelia," I said. She turned to me. "You're pregnant. As much as we could use your help there is no way I'm risking your safety. You know Sydney will kill me if I let anything happen to you or your baby."

She sighed. "You bring her back and the baby. You bring them back safe. Promise me you will bring her back."

I nodded. "I promise."

She turned back to Jackson. "And you better come back to me. Don't you go die on me."

He chuckled before kissing her forehead. " I'll be careful baby"

"Alright now let's go over the plan. Sean." I turned to Sean and he nodded.

"Okay, so the house is about 1000 sq feet with one story above ground and one story below ground. There are seven rooms in the first story and three in the second. Now we don't know how many men will be there and how armed they are. Three of you will enter the house with Chris from the east side of the house, the other two will go with Jason, Jackson, and I from the west side of the house. We will secure the house and distract anyone there while Jason and Jackson go look for Sydney and her brother. If she or her brother is found, radio the others and get out of the house and meet back here. If Dante is found he is not to be killed, knock him out and he is to be brought back with us. Everyone else, shoot to kill. Everyone understand?" he asked.

We all nodded. "We don't know how dangerous this will be. I'd like to personally thank you all for helping us to do this... If any of you don't make it, your families will be handsomely compensated by the Kings and the Vipers." I said.

"Sir how do we know if they are even at that house?" Asked one of Jackson's men.

"We don't." I said. " but it is our best hope."

We left the hotel around nine and got to the house about twenty minutes afterward. The house was isolated near the woods so we parked about a quarter of a mile or so away from the house and hid the car. We grabbed our guns and suited up before we started going to the house. We squatted behind some trees about fifty feet from the house. Sean and I shared a look before our group and Chris' group went our separate ways to the house.

We got to a door at the side of the house and Sean picked the lock. We all quietly entered the house. As we walked through the house we stumbled on six of Dante's men. "Hey what are you doing here?"

"Jackson Jason get out of here, find Sydney. We will handle these guys." Said, Sean, as they pulled out their guns.

"Be careful man."

"I always am. Now go." He said as Jackson and I left the room.

We started checking each of the rooms to find them empty. We walked into a living room to find four more of his men. "Jason I got them. Go find your girl." Whispered Jackson as he loaded his guns.

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