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The next day I woke up in the bed again, even though every night I fall asleep on the couch. Hmmm, I wonder how that keeps happening? I roll my eyes at myself. I looked at the time and saw it was seven am. The boys should be leaving soon.

I got out of bed and went to the closet. I changed into some sweats and a tank top before going downstairs. I arrived downstairs to see the guys gearing up. There were weapons on the table and on their bodies. They were putting on bulletproof vest under their shirts and earwigs in their ears.

Jason turned to look at me. "Princess i- we-"

"You don't have to explain anything, I'm surprised I didn't see it earlier." he nodded and continued getting suited up.

I sat down on the couch and soon Madi and Sam came down and sat next to me. When they were all done Sam hugged Chris and Jason quickly before turning to Sean. "you be careful, don't do anything stupid."

He smiled and nodded at her pulling her into a hug. She gave him a kiss and he released her. She gave a quick hug to Chris and Jason before going back upstairs probably to check on Patrick. Next was Madi who gave a hug to Jason and her brother. She then gave a long hug to Chris. He caressed his hand on her cheek before letting her go.

I swear the two of them need to get together.

She gave them a smile and yawned before she also went back upstairs to go back to bed. I stood up and went to Chris and pulled him into a hug. I snuggled my head into his chest knowing this might be the last time I see him.

When I let him go he grabbed my hands and gave me a knowing look. "te ne vai, vero?(you are leaving, aren't you?)"

I nodded. "si....ma non dirlo.(yes....but don't tell.)"

He pulled me into another hug. "non lo farò...mi mancherai.(i won't... I will miss you.)"

"mi mancherai anche tu.(i will miss you too)" he let me go.

I gave a quick hug to Sean. "be careful."

"I will," he replied.

I turned to Jason who was just standing there with a bit of an annoyed scowl. I sighed and wrapped my arms around his waist. He stiffened for a moment before putting his arms around me and tucking my head under his chin. "Be careful" I mumbled into his chest.

He released me a bit. "As you wish Princess."(A// for those who understand this, you are awesome and if you don't then you need to watch more classic movies.) He gave me a kiss on the forehead and let his lips linger for a minute before walking out with Chris and Sean.

I walked to the front door to see nine black SUV's parked on the street. The three of them hopped in the one parked in the driveway. Chris stuck his head out of the driver's side and yelled out to me. "in bocca al Lupo(good luck)"

I smiled at him. "Grazie, ti amo."

He smiled and got back in the car leaving the house with the cars following behind them.

Time to put my plan into action. I'm coming home, Fratello...

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