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The next morning I woke up to an empty bed. I rolled over and saw a folded piece of paper on the bedside table. I sat up grabbing it and opening it up.

Morning princess. Sorry, you had to wake up alone but we had a drop to go to. We should be back at ten. Madi wanted to go to the beach afterward so if you want to get dressed in a bathing suit and we can go when we get back. Text me if you need ANYTHING. -J

I smiled as I got out of bed. I set the note back down and went to the closet. I grabbed a bikini with floral designs and a cross cut out in the front. I put on a pair of jean shorts and a black cropped tank top. I threw my hair into a ponytail and grabbed my sunglasses.

I went downstairs and into the kitchen where Sam, Madi, and Patrick were eating. Patrick was the first to see me. He hopped off his mom's lap and ran over to me. "Hi ms Sydney!"

I smiled at him picking him up. "Hey, bambino."

"Are you coming to the beach with us?"

"Of course." I sat down with him on my lap. "Hey, do you think I could invite my brother?" I asked Madi.

Madi swallowed her bite of food before answering. "Jason already did. He should be here soon."

"Awesome." I smiled. "Do you think I could get away with inviting Amelia and Jackson?" I asked.

Madi shrugged and Sam scrunched up her face. "I would ask Jason first. He really doesn't like Jackson," said Sam. I nodded. I grabbed my phone and dialed Jason.

(Sydney talking Jason talking)


Hey it's Sydney

Hey princess, you alright? What do you need?

I'm okay, I just wanted to ask if I could invite Amelia and Jackson to the beach with us?

Sydney... I don't trust the Greys.

I do

I know that but-

Please please, please


Per favore, please

He sighed. Fine, they can come.

Yay thank you thank you

Yeah yeah, we will be back home in about an hour

Okay see you then

Bye, princess. I hung up the phone and turned to the girls. "He really can't say no to me can he?"

They shook their heads amused. " he's whipped." laughed Madi.

I chuckled. "Whatever I'm gonna call, Amelia." I dialed her number.

(Sydney talking Amelia talking Jackson talking)


Hey meels

Hey sweetie how are you?

I'm good. What about you and Jackson?

We are umm great she giggled

I bet with all the "I'm home" sex you guys must be having

Cállate, now what's up? (shut up)

Well, we are going to the beach today and I convinced Jason to let me invite you and Jackson now tell me you can come?!

She chuckled. Lemme ask Jackson sweetie JACKSON! Can we go to the beach with Syd?

Hey Syd

Hi Jackson

What time?

Uh I think we are leaving a little after ten

What beach?

How in the hell would I know?

Right, yeah we'll come

Yay, thank you thank you ill see you soon.

I'll see you soon Syd

Bye sweetie

Bye meels. I hung up the phone. "They can come"

"Cool," said Sam. the three of us finished eating when the guys got back to the house.

"Hey you ready to go to the beach?" asked Chris.

"Yeah. oh, and Amelia and Jackson are coming."

Chris nodded. "Awesome."

Jason stepped in and spoke. "Okay well we are gonna get ready then we can go."

We nodded. The boys went upstairs and we went to the living room and sat down on the couch to watch tv before we leave. There was a knock on the front door. Sam got up and answered it.

She walked back in with Connor behind her. I smiled and got up hugging him. "Hey Sorella," he said hugging me back. "Come stai? (how are you?)"

I smiled. "I'm okay." he raised his eyebrow at me. "I'm fine... I'm happy I promise."Chris, Sean holding Patrick and Jason walked downstairs. Chris walked over and bro-hugged Connor. With everyone ready to go we left the house. Sean and Sam took Patrick to their Aston Martin while Chris and Madi went to Chris' jeep.

Jason turned to Connor and me. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Princess How about you and Connor go ride with Chris and Madi."

"Are you sure?" I asked seeing his resentment to the idea. He nodded. "Yeah, ill meet you guys there." I smiled putting my hand on his shoulder, pushing myself up on my tiptoes and kissing his cheek. "Thank you,"I whispered. I grabbed Connor's hand and started pulling him with me to the jeep.

"Hey, Tesoro. You guys riding with us?"

I nodded hopping into the back. "Yeah, Jason's going to meet us there."

"Cool, let's go," said Madi. Chris turned the engine on and we drove off.


Hey everyone. Yay another update. Please hit the vote button if you are liking the story! So i'm not sure yet but I might post some more chapters later tonight so stay tuned!

Sydney's bathing suit

Sydney's bathing suit

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