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Jason's POV

I couldn't, I couldn't do it. I couldn't sit there and listen to what he did to her. I stormed upstairs into my room. I started pacing around the room furiously. A few seconds later, Sean and Chris burst into the room. Chris came at me and punched me straight in the face. I staggered back a bit, surprised by the sudden hit. I put my hand to my nose then took it away to see blood. I glared at Chris and made a move for him, causing Sean to step in between us.

"Stop it both of you. Now is not the time to fight." Sean said as calmly as he could.

"HE'S THE ONE WHO LEFT HER" shouted Chris. Sean put a hand on his shoulder. Chris took a breath in. "you left her when she was telling us something about her life that still haunts her. YOU made her feel like you were disgusted like she was dirty and not worth your time."

When I heard him say that, I knew I messed up. I sat down on my bed and put my head in my hands. "I messed up..." I took my head out of my hands and looked at Chris and Sean. " I didn't mean for it to come out that way. It's just... if I heard anything else about what he did to her I would have gone out and killed someone."

"Then why don't you go down and tell her that, tell her you don't hate her," said Sean.

I nodded at Sean. I stood up and went downstairs. Entering the living room, I saw Amelia talking to an almost crying Sydney. "Everyone out."

Madi and Sam stood up, walking past me to Sean and Chris, but not before Madi punched me in the arm glaring at me. I hate her when she's mad at me, she finds every opportunity to hit me. She's lucky she's my best friends little sister and that I don't hit girls. Amelia stood up kissing Sydney's forehead whispering something to her that I couldn't hear. She walked over to me, looking like she wanted to speak but decided against it and walked out of the room.

I walked over to Sydney and kneeled down in front of her. "Sydney?" She stared at her lap not meeting my eyes. "Princess, can you look at me?"

"You hate me," she said so softly if I wasn't right in front of her I wouldn't have heard her.

I lightly grabbed the sides of her face and turned her face up towards me. "I don't hate you, Princess, I could never hate you."

She started tearing up. "I'm- I'm used, dirty. How could you want someone like me?"

"How could I not want you?" I said. "You're beautiful, sexy as hell, funny, clever and you have such a good heart." I wiped her tears with my thumbs. I stood up and lifted her up onto my lap and wrapped my arms around her. "I'm sorry for running out. Hearing what happened to you" I shook my head. " if I didn't get out of here I would've killed someone. I promise you nothing you say can make me want you any less. Do you understand?" she nodded as she turned her body so her back was against the armrest. I moved my arms to have one rest behind her and the other arm on her legs. "Do you wanna bring the others back in?"

"Yeah," she whispered. As I was about to yell for them to come in Amelia walked in.

"Hey ready to keep going, sweetie?" Sydney nodded her head.  Amelia smiled at her before turning her head. "Alright they're done," she shouted. Sydney giggled at her. Amelia gave her a wink as she lifted Sydney's feet, sat down and set her feet on her lap.

Everyone else walked in and sat down around us. "Whenever you're ready princess," I whispered to her once everyone was settled...

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