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Jason's POV

We walked back to the spot on the beach where we saw everyone packing up their stuff. "Hey, guys. What's going on?" asked Sydney. Jackson and Amelia must have arrived when we were gone.

Amelia looked at her and smirked. "Sweetie Mira tu Cuello. (look at your neck)."

Sydney scrunched up her face confused as she looked down. I looked at her and smirked. I leaned down next to her ear. "Princess you got a couple hickeys on your neck."

Her eyes went wide as her hand flew to her neck. "You asshole!" she whispered shouted as she took her hair out of her ponytail and moved it to cover them up. I chuckled as Amelia giggled. "sta 'zitto. (Shut up.)" she said to Amelia.

"me lo dices luego (you are telling me later)"

"Why must you two speak Italian?" I asked Sydney.

She shrugged. "So you don't know what we are saying. And Amelia's not speaking Italian, she's speaking Spanish."

"I thought you spoke Italian?" I asked confused.

She chuckled. "I do and Spanish. I'm fluent in both."

I nodded. "Hey man, Did you do it?" asked Sean.

I smiled and laced my hand with Sydney's. "Yep"

"And you said yes?" he asked Sydney. She smiled and nodded. He shook his head. "Are you sure you made the right decision? I mean have you seen him he is what you consider ugly"

Sydney giggled as I rolled my eyes at my best friend. "Shut up man. So why are you guys packing up? We haven't even been here that long."

Amelia raised her eyebrow. "Well, you guys were gone a while. Where were you again?" she asked mockingly to Sydney.

Sydney stuck out her tongue. "Nunya."

Amelia scrunched up her face confused. "Nunya?"

"Yeah, nunya business." she smiled. Amelia rolled her eyes.

Madi sighed. "We were asked to leave."

"Why?" asked Sydney.

"Some people saw Jackson, Jason, and I. They aren't comfortable and someone from the FBI asked us to leave." Said Amelia.

"That's fucking dumb," said Sydney. Amelia was about to talk but Sydney cut her off. "You know this is dumb Meels."

"Syd. We have a reputation and not a good one. If people don't feel safe and we are asked to leave, we leave." said Jackson.

That's when two men walked up to us wearing casual clothes but had serious expressions on their faces. " I'm sorry for the inconvenience but you guys really do need to be leaving," said the tall jet black haired one.

Sydney stepped forward and tilted her head before recognition filled her eyes. " Agent Miles?"

He looked at her before shook his head in disbelief. "Sydney Black. It's nice to see you again. What has it been two years?"

She nodded. "Yeah, it has. I honestly never thought I'd see you again."

"Same here. And I'm sorry that our reunion has to be cut short but you guys do have to leave."

She rolled her eyes. "Seriously? What have they done wrong?"

He sighed. "Nothing. People are just uncomfortable."


"We aren't going to ask you again Sydney." said the other agent. He was a short Hispanic who looked like he ate one too many donuts if you know what I mean.

She clenched her fists. "Zapata."

"My name is Agent Ramirez."

She crossed her arms and glared at him. "sorry my mistake. I only remember you as Dante's man Zapata who watch me get beat and raped for two years straight."

He rolled his eyes. "I was undercover. There wasn't anything I could do."

"Whatever." she practically growled at him. She turned back to the Agent Miles guy. "So you are going to kick us out for no real reason?"

"I'm sorry Sydney but people have told us they were uncomfortable."

"Sucks for them. We didn't do anything wrong."

"Will you stop Sydney? We asked you to leave." said the Zapata or Ramirez guy.

"I wasn't speaking to you" she sneered. She turned back to Agent Miles. "Are we being arrested?" she asked. She put her arms behind her head.

"Sydney what are you doing?" asked Agent Miles.

"Are we being arrested?" she asked again now getting down on her knees.

"Of course not Sydney. Please get up," she smirked and stood up. "I'm sorry for bothering you guys. Please enjoy your day."

She waved at him. "Bye Agent Miles. Zapata."

"It's agent Ramirez."

"Yeah okay. I have a question for you."


"Are you currently on duty?" he shook his head. Her smirk appeared on her face again. "Good." she then brought back her fist punching him square in the face. He got knocked back a few steps but she didn't stop there. She kicked his stomach causing him to fall to the ground. She continued kicking his stomach when I came forward and pulled her away and against my chest.

I wrapped my arms around her waist. "Settle down princess," I whispered to her rubbing her hips knowing it calms her down.

She spat down at him hitting his cheek. "That's what you get for standing by while I was raped and beaten."

"Sydney you can't just-" started Agent Miles.

"No no, it's okay." Said Zapata getting up holding his nose. "I'll let it go this time. We'll see you around Sydney."

Sydney glared at him until they walked farther away from us. "You alright princess?" I whispered.

She nodded and pulled herself from my arms. "Yeah, I'm fine." I rose my eyebrow at her. She sighed and hugged me laying her head on my chest. I wrapped my arms around her. "I'm okay. Just brought up some bad memories."

I kissed the top of her head. "It's okay. You're safe here. I won't let anyone hurt you again."

She pulled away a bit and smiled up at me. "Grazie. Thank you." she leaned up and pecked me on the lips. She stepped out of my arms. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to talk to my brother." I nodded and she walked over and took Connor to the water to talk with him.

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