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I was curled up in the corner of the room with my knees pulled up to my chest. After two years of being free from him, I was once again violated by him. Connor's lifeless body was taken out of the room sometime after Dante left. I looked through the entire room twice looking for anything that could help me get out of here but Dante was smart. He knew I would try to escape and knew how smart I was. The thing with Dante is he believes he loves me but what he has for me is an obsession. He kept me with him for his pleasure and my smarts. I was always able to help him with the gang. Dante never thought things through and without me, his gang would have gone to ruin long ago. His obsession with me kept me from being happy, from having a normal childhood. But without him I would have never met my best friends, I would never have met Amelia, Jackson, Madi, Sean and I would never have found Chris again. Without Dante, I would have never met Jason.

I heard the door being unlocked and the door opened to reveal Dante with a plate of food. "Good morning doll... doll why are you sitting on the floor?" I glared at him instead of responding. He sighed. "Here doll eat." He walked over to me and set the plate of food down next to me. I pushed it away from me. He breathed out in annoyance. "Doll don't make me ask again. Eat or I'll inject you again and feed it to you." My glare hardened as I grabbed the plate and took a bite of the toast. I continued to eat it as he watched making sure I finished it. When I finished it he smiled at me. I gagged and moved my body to the side puking on the floor. "Doll? Are you okay?" Dante asked moving next to me.

He put his hand on my shoulder which I shrugged off. "Obviously not," I said before puking again.

"Right... Umm, I'll be right back." he got up and left the room while I continued puking. He came back a few minutes later with a cup of water and a towel. He handed them to me and sat down next to me. "Here doll drink. I called a doctor, she will be here soon."

I nodded and took a sip of the water. He tried to touch my arm but I moved away from him. "Don't touch me."

He sighed. "Get up." I shook my head. "Get up now doll. I don't want you sitting in puke."

"vai all'inferno (Go to hell.)"

He groaned and picked me up bringing me over to the bed. "You're lucky you're sick doll." he sat at the edge of the bed as I scooted as far away from him as I could. His phone buzzed and he stood up. "She's here." he walked out of the room.

A few minutes later a woman walked into the room. She was a short old Mexican lady with graying black hair pulled up in a tight bun. She wore an old black long sleeve dress, a grey cardigan, and a pair of flip-flops. "Mrs. Summers?" I asked

She smiled at me. "Hello, sweetheart."

"What are you doing here?"

She sighed. "Dante asked me to check up on you, said you were throwing up?"

I nodded. "Si" she smiled and took some equipment out and started her checkup. She checked my temperature, my blood pressure, and my breathing.

As she went over my stomach she looked at me. " ¿Tú sabes? el niño (do you know? The child.)"

I nodded. "sí. por favor no Puede saber (yes. Please he can't know)"

She nodded. "Dante." she semi yelled. He walked into the room. "Congratulations. She is with a child." I breathed a breath of relief.

He smiled. "My child?"

Ms Summers smiled and nodded. "Yes. Her throwing up was just morning sickness. I would like to continue checking up on her throughout the pregnancy if it okay with you?" she asked.

Dante nodded as he continued looking at me. "Of course. Are you done mother?" she nodded her head. "Then go."

"Yes Dante." she packed up her things. Before leaving she turned to me and kissed the top of my head. "lo siento cariño. buena suerte. (i'm sorry darling. Good luck.)" she whispered before leaving me alone with Dante.

"Can you believe it doll? You're going to have my child." he chuckled.

"No I don't believe it," I said. How could I? It isn't his, but he doesn't need to know that.

He smiled and walked over to me sitting down at the edge of the bed. "Don't you see doll?"

"See what?" I whispered.

He put his hand on my leg. "Even God knows your love for me. He's blessed us with a child."

I shrugged his hand off of me and brought my knees up to my chest. "God has nothing to do with this, it is just a cruel twist of fate. It is not a blessing to be here with you."

Dante sighed and stood up. "Whatever you see it as it is still my child and that means you will always have a part of me." he touched the side of my face and smiled down at my stomach before leaving the room and locking it behind him.

My child is a blessing and it might be God showing my love but not my love for Dante. This baby is the result of Jason and I's love. This baby means everything to me and I will do anything to protect it. Even pretend its father is a raging possessive psychopath.

I put my legs back down on the bed and set my hand on my stomach. " va bene bambino. starai bene. la mamma ti ama Papà ti adora. papà ci troverà. (it's okay baby. you're going to be okay. mommy loves you. Daddy loves you. daddy will find us.)" I closed my eyes and looked up. Please find us. Please save me. Save my baby...


Hey, everyone, I hope your summer has been good or you had a good start in school! If you like this story make sure to vote, comment and follow me! Y'all are the best!

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