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Have you ever been stuck in a room with a bunch of egotistical men who think they are better than the rest? Well if you haven't then lucky you. While the bosses were arguing over territories, treaties, and what not, I worked on my essays on my computer. Every once in a while I would open up a new document and write my opinion or ideas and let Jason see. He would subtly look down and read what I had to say. He would then speak out my thoughts helping out the discussion. When I was halfway through my third essay I heard something I wished I didn't.

"Mr. King, I have heard some... rumors." a man probably a little younger than me said after looking to his boss for approval.

"About what?" asked Jason.

"About Dante Summers being back."

I looked up from my computer and over to Amelia. She lightly shook her head at me and put her hand up a bit, silently telling me to be calm. "What are you talking about?" asked Amelia.

"I have associates who tell me that he has escaped prison in Chicago and is now in California."

"That's not possible," I said. All eyes were turned to me.

"Excuse me?" said another man with a goatee and hideous furry eyebrows.

"That's not possible. Dante is in a maximum security prison with weekly visits from FBI agents and no outside visits."

"How do you know so much about Dante Summers?" the same man asked.

I shrugged. "I don't"

"Wait a minute," he said looking at me more carefully. "Well, I can't believe I didn't notice before. It's little Annelise Di' Medici."

I sighed. "Yeah yeah you caught me. And it's Sydney Di'Medici Black."

"It's been a while," he smirked.

I pursed my lips. "Am I supposed to know who you are?"

His smirk went away. "Ian Daniels. Boss of the Black Death."

I chuckled. "Ian Daniels, I do remember you,"I said. "You used to follow your daddy around trying to act like you were important."

He started to glare at me. "At least I didn't go around fucking anyone in every gang."

I rolled my eyes. "You're just mad I never fucked you." a few people snickered. " and at least people wanted me, I remember your daddy had to pay girls to even talk to you."

"Look as entertaining as this conversation is." interrupted Amelia. "Do you have any proof of Dante escaping?" she asked the boy from before.

The boy shook his head. "No ma'am, just what my associates told me."

Amelia nodded. "Well let's see if what your associates say hold any truth." she stood up and walked over to me. "Sweetie you were always better at this than me, do you mind hacking into the prison records?"

I nodded. "Yeah just give me a minute." I started hacking into the prison databases. I then went through the wardens' emails and personal records. "No no no no."

"Sydney what's wrong?" asked Amelia.

"Originally the databases said everything was in order as in no prison breaks or anything. But the wardens' personal records show that a guard was found tied up without his clothes and keys. They did a check of the prisoners and found eleven men had escaped, including Dante."

I started to hyperventilate. No, he can't be free, he can't be. Jason kneeled down next to me and put his hand on top of mine. "Princess, look at me," he whispered. I looked down at him. "Breathe... I promise you're gonna be okay." I nodded and started breathing normally.

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