Help from the bad boy

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*Clara's POV*

I flopped my backpack onto my shoulder and sighed. The first day of a new school was so hard. I don't know anyone. I don't know where I'm going.
I can't find my science class, and the bell rang already. I scurried through the halls but couldn't find my classroom.

"You need help finding your way?" Someone said from behind me.

Startled, I whipped around to see a cute tall boy with bright blue eyes standing there. I nodded. "Yeah, I'm completely lost."

"Where do you need to go?" He said.

I gave him my schedule. "Room 322."

The boy scanned my schedule. "Ah, science with Mr. Jones. Good luck with that."


"He's a pain in the ass. Follow me. I'll show you where he is." The boy handed me back my schedule and started walking. "I'm Hayes by the way."

"Clara." I smiled.

"Nice to meet you, Clara. You new here?" Hayes said.

"Yep. I came from South Carolina."

"Oh so you've always been a Carolina girl." Hayes laughed.

"I guess." I shrugged. "Shouldn't you be in class right now?"

"Uh, yeah I guess. I should be in math but I didn't feel like going. Too much work."

"Oh.." I trailed off. Ooh, a bad boy.

Hayes stopped walking. "Here it is. Science with Mr. Jones. I'll see you around, Clara."

"Thanks for showing me where to go. Nice meeting you!" I smiled.

"No problem at all." Hayes took out his phone. "Text me later. We should hangout."

I added my number. "Here ya go."

We got lost in each other's eyes for second as I handed him back his phone.

Hayes snapped out of it. "Uh, so see you soon."

I waved and smiled as Hayes walked away. I guess this day got a little bit better.

Hayes Grier ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now