New Girl, New Hate

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Pt 1
Hayes and I sat in his basement watching a movie and laughing at vines. We've been dating for the past few months now. We live in different states but FaceTime everyday and visit each other on the weekends or during breaks. Now it's the summer, and I'm in North Carolina staying with the Griers for a week.
"Y/n," Hayes said turning to me. "You really need a twitter."
"Nah it's so confusing."
"Please, you have to! You'll get used to it after a while." Hayes made a puppy face.
Well, looking at that adorable puppy face, I sighed. "Fine. Whatever."
"Cool babe let's set it up right now."
Hayes grabbed my phone and downloaded the twitter account. I made up my username and followed a few people.
"I'm gonna tweet you a shoutout so you can get more followers." Hayes said.
"Thanks babe."
I refreshed my timeline and saw a tweet from Hayes:
"Hey guys pls follow my beautiful gf @yourusername 😘 she's new to twitter"
Immediately, I gained about 500 followers.
"Hayes look at all my followers."
Hayes looked. "Awesome."

Pt 2
Later that day, Hayes and I were sitting in his backyard with Skylynn. Skylynn was too funny. She's always dancing around and singing crazy songs. She's so cute. We sat there making funny vines of her.
I sat on my chair and spun around as I scrolled through tweets. I started to scroll slower and slower as I saw rude and nasty tweets:
"F u @yourusername"
"Back off from hayess @yourusename"
"@yourusername is an ugly bitch!!!"
"Ur so cute but u gotta go and leave my baby hayes alone...@yourusername"
"Back off loser @yourusername."
I felt tears fill up in my eyes.
Hayes looked over to me and saw something was wrong.
"What's wrong babe?" He asked.
"Oh, um it's nothing." A tear rolled down my cheek.
"Something's wrong. Tell me." Hayes got up and sat on the arm of my chair.
"Y/n why are you crying?" Skylynn asked.
"Sky why don't you go play horses with Nash? I need to be alone with y/n right now." Hayes said.
"Fine.." Sky sighed and left.
"Seriously what's going on?" Hayes asked. Now I was crying. Hayes grabbed my phone and scrolled through the rude tweets.
"Oh....shit this is bad." Hayes said slowly.
I didn't say anything, I kept crying.
"This is horrible. Oh my god." Hayes kept scrolling through the tweets.
"I shouldn't have gotten twitter." My voice was shaking.
"Oh my god...y/n..."
"Okay, stop looking at them already!" I yelled. "I don't want to talk about it!"
I grabbed my phone from him.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"What's there to talk about? Everyone hates me." I said in between abrupt breaths.
"Y/n, don't say that."
"I_I need to be alone." I got up and went inside.

Pt 3
I sat in the guest room for half an hour, crying.
"Hey," Hayes said softly.
"You okay?"
"Not really."
"Babe." Hayes sat next to me and put his arm around me. "It'll be okay. Don't listen to the haters."
"But it bothers me so much. No ones ever said such rude things to me." I leaned my head on his shoulder.
Hayes kissed my head. "Y/n, you're beautiful, funny, smart and so nice to everyone. They're all just jealous. Ignore all the hate."
I smiled and looked up at Hayes. "You're the best."
Hayes laughed softly. "I'm always here for you."
"I know," I hugged him tight. "Thanks."
"So are you gonna keep your twitter?" Hayes said in my arms.
"Of course I am. And I'm gonna do what you said, I'm gonna ignore all the hate."
"That's my girl." Hayes smiled.

The end.

Hope you enjoyed. :) I think this is my favorite chapter yet

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