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Wonpil and Minjoo took the bus and arrived safely at Incheon. Wonpil was scared every second of their ride. Even when she closed her eyes to rest, he panicked that she wasn't breathing anymore.

He felt so guilty that he had wasted his time with her. The past days he had pushed her away was going to haunt him for eternity but he felt he deserved that punishment.


Jae's car was brought back and it looked brand new.

"it probably cost a lot to fix that." Brian said. "You owe hyungnim your greatest gratitude."

"Good thing we met at the hospital that day if not I'd probably be in a coma from his beating."

"Don't make jokes about death." Brian snapped.

"You seem so sensitive these days."

"Minjoo is going to die." Brian simply said and sighed.

Dowoon who was quietly on his laptop in the room took out his earphones. "Hyung what did you say?"

"She has Leukemia, that's why she's leaving today. To be with her family before she leaves."

Jae abruptly turned. "Where's sungjin?"

Brian jumped up and ran out of the room to look for him. "Hyung!!" He checked everywhere in the apartment. He got to the bathroom door and when it wouldn't open, he started banging on it. "Hyung are you in here?!"

"Sungjin are you ok?" Jae also asked worriedly.

Sungjin unlocked the door and stepped out drenched in water. He had sat under the shower to have the water pour on his face and camouflage his tears.

Dowoon went to grab a towel for him.

"I'm fine." The leader forced a smile. "I'll be fine." He took the towel from the maknae's hand and walked into his room.

"Just let him be for now. He needs time." Brian stopped them from going after him.


Minjoo said she wanted to sleep once she arrived home but Wonpil begged her to eat with her family and him before she laid down.

"I don't have an appetite." She complained.

"Please, at least sit with us."

She sluggishly nodded.

He didn't want her to leave his sight because anything could happen.

The atmosphere was dull and no one could really eat because they understood what was going on. Wonpil got out his phone and asked her for a picture.

"Let me put on makeup for you." He offered and she smiled at how fun it sounded.

He messed around with her face without letting her look in the mirror.  When he was done, he took multiple selfies with her.  She was bubbly for once.


Sungjin changed his clothes and walked back out of the room. He went to the kitchen to make breakfast for the band as if he wasn't feeling any pain. He also took off his cast. The pain he felt in his heart made him immune to the pain in his arm.

The other three members decided to act natural with him since that's what he wanted. Rather than being emotional, the best was to smile and just laugh it off.

Death was inevitable.

They sat at the kitchen table to eat and they joked around as if nothing happened.

"How can Minjoo send me pictures of her and wonpil having fun together??" Sungjin complained looking at his phone.

"Well she knew him before she knew you, you gotta remember that." Jae answered.

"Shut up."

"You best not be talking to me."

"Who said I was?"

Jae twitched his lips at him. "Are you seriously fine?" He asked and the countenance on Sungjin's face changed.

"Why did you ask that??" Brian whispered to Jae.

"It's better you pour out everything bob. Don't hold it back. Are you really fine?"

The leader shook his head. "I feel like dying." He let out and dropped his head in his palms.


Minjoo told Wonpil to lay down with her because she wanted his warmth.

The real reason was that she was scared. She placed her head on his arm and closed her eyes to sleep. "Sing for me." She told Wonpil as she curled her body next to his to relax.

Wonpil could feel her breath against his arm and it made him feel better. It was ticklish but it was the most precious thing to him at the moment.

He sang softly and quietly for her.

An hour went by. Two hours. Three.

After singing a couple of songs, he looked at her pale face. He realized he wasn't feeling her breath anymore.

Instead of panicking, he tapped her a few times. "Minjoo, please open your eyes.. Please. Five more minutes. Please." He mumbled as tears began to roll down his face. He got up and gently placed her head on the pillow.

Then he went to get her parents.


Later that day, he called Brian.

"Hyung, she's gone." He said and bit his finger to cry quietly.


thanks for reading!


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