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"What. No. Of course not-"

"Yes he did. OUCH." Jae screamed when Brian pinched him.

"Yah! Come here!!" Sungjin chased Brian around the room. He took off his shoe and threw it at him.

Everyone paused when they heard crashing sounds on the floor. Wonpil had flipped the table in front of him. They looked at him confused.

He did it to get everyone's attention.

"If he said he didn't then let's forget it."

Wonpil sounded so serious and no one wanted to argue.

He received a text message from Minjoo saying she was at the company looking for him.

That aggravated him even more that he stormed out of the practice room. Once he left, sungjin went back to questioning Brian.

"I honestly didn't, it looked like I did but she put her thumb instead. I swear."

"Who's the person?"

"The lady who moved in next door."

"How did she get in here?"

"I don't know." He shrugged his shoulders. He wanted to follow Wonpil and explain everything to him but he needed a way to escape.

He picked up the table and started to arrange things. When everyone began doing something, he ran out of the room to find Wonpil.

He kept walking until he reached a corner and heard Minjoo's voice.

He stopped and stuck his head out, leaning on the wall.

"Why aren't you saying anything??" She was asking Wonpil.

Wonpil has his hand on his forehead and he looked so frustrated.

"What are you doing here?" He asked after calming himself.

"I told you, I came to check on you."


"I'm sorry."

"Stop apologizing."

"What else do you want me to do-"

"Stop doing things that would need apologies in the first place."

"I'm sorry I didn't think you'll be this angry."


"Wonpil you're yelling at me. That's not nice."

He scoffed. "Is that really important?? I clearly told you not to bother me then you come to the company and act dumb as if you don't know that's a problem."

"I'm sorry. I just told them I was your cousin and they let me in after showing the family pass."

"Just leave." Wonpil started walking away.

"Wait I also want to apologize. We didn't actually kiss, I just wanted to help him."

Her sentence abruptly made Wonpil stop walking. He turned back, "What are you talking about?"

"Brian. I didn't kiss-"

At this point, Brian, who had been watching, dropped his head and sighed. Saying that just made everything worse.

Wonpil looked at the ceiling to hold back his anger.

"Let's break up." He said calmly. "And move somewhere else."

"Are you kidding me??" She walked up to him and stood in his way. "You're breaking up with me over that?"

"That?" He scoffed. "I'm just so done. You shouldn't have moved here when I repeatedly told you not to."

"I just want to be closer to you, is that bad?"

Instead of prolonging the conversation Wonpil walked away. He bumped into Brian and just glared at him before pushing past him.

Wonpil knew it was out of anger he said what he said and he was starting to regret it. The frustration that had been piling up made him vent out that way.

He knew he had to go hug her and apologize for yelling but anger and his pride held him back.

Thanks for reading !!

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