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Sunday was a chill day for the band and everyone stayed in their respective apartments.

On Monday morning however,

"Good morning!" Jae's loudness woke everyone up. He started coughing after yelling so loud.

He was standing in the living room yelling at the top of his voice and Sungjin ran out, scared that something had happened.

"Are you out of your mind?" He muttered when he saw it was only Jae being Jae.

"Wake up children, everyone up! Up!"

"Why are you doing this to us??" Sungjin scratched his head and ran his fingers through his hair roughly. He plopped down to the floor and leaned on the wall.

"Arin will walk in anytime soon."

"And?" Brian sluggishly dragged himself into the living room. He looked at the oldest irritably and sat down beside Sungjin.

"Let's show her what we actually are."

"Which is?"

"An all visuals band." Jae responded throwing both hands in the air.

"What the hell is he saying." Brian placed his head on Sungjin's shoulders and closed his eyes. The leader himself was already dozing off.

The door unhinged and Arin walked in. She was already dressed for work.

"I told you." Jae asserted to the sleepy members.

"Who gave her the passcode??" Sungjin glared at Jae.

"JYP. She told me he also gave her all our numbers, that explains how she was able to text me in the first place."

"Enough talking." Arin interrupted. "We're leaving in thirty."

"You guys heard her." Because of how loud Jae screamed, he strained his cords and his voice sounded rusty.


Brian headed to JYP's office when he arrived at JYP ent since he asked for him.

He got there to meet Jeongyeon seated.

His heart started beating fast at the thought of JYP finding out about his unrequited love.

He was ready to defend himself when Wonpil walked in. Then JB followed. Then Jamie. Jihyo. Nayeon. Youngjae. Baek Ayeon. Jae also came in last.

"I summoned you all here because of the wedding that's coming up." JYP started. He went on to explain that he wanted them to sing in pairs at the wedding of one of his staff members. "We have only this evening and a day to practice."

"I'll stay out this one."

Everyone's eyes fell on Jae, shook by the sound of his  crooked voice.

"What in the world happened??"

"I strained-"

"Don't bother talking so you don't strain it even more." JYP cautioned. "Good thing I brought this from home today. Here, drink something hot." He handed him his cup of ginger tea.

Jae sat down in the back and took a sip.

"I'll pass too." Jeongyeon said. "So that the number is even."

"We can just get someone else to pair up. Sungjin or jinyoung."

"No I actually don't feel like it. I feel sick." She said and Brian immediately looked at her worriedly.

"Does anyone else wanna stay out??" JYP asked but with the tone of his voice, it almost sounded like he was threatening them.

"I-" Brian started but shut his lips when JYP glared at him.

"Did you also lose your voice??"

Brian shook his head.

"Are you sick??"

He shook his head.

"Then don't play games with me."

He nodded.

Jeongyeon went to the back and sat next to Jae. They were close because of Brian. Even closer than how she was to Brian because he was the middle man in their relationship.

They took a white paper and some pens and started playing tic tac toe.

When the meeting was over, they all walked out and tried to fit in the same elevator.

Jae quietly moved towards the front and told Jeongyeon to go back as more people entered. She reluctantly obeyed and stood beside Brian.

Their fingers touched occasionally and she was tempted to hold his hand.

Thanks for reading !! <3

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