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They arrived at a barbecue place and hopped out. Arin asked for a private room for seven and they were taken to a room in the back. They had to grill their own meat and it was better to spend time that way.

Dowoon and Wonpil offered to grill the meat as they all ate but Jae always grabbed pieces for Jamie to eat.

After doing it for the fifth time, Brian nudged him.

"You're acting suspiciously." He whispered.


"She has hands to get the meat herself."

"I'm just helping," Jae said nonchalantly because he didn't see anything weird about what he was doing.

"And you claim you don't like her."

"I don't. We're friends, friends can do this much for each other."

"Not with the chemistry both of you have."

"Here." Jae picked up a piece and shoved it in Brian's mouth to shut him up.

They all remained sitting even when they were done eating.

"Ok I'll tell you guys about me." Arin started. "Jae can help me translate ??"

"Sure." Jae nodded.

"Alright. So I'm 28, I lived in LA before moving here about five years ago. I've worked as an English teacher. What else?" She paused. "Oh my mom's Caucasian and my dad's Korean so that explains my features. I'm mixed essentially."

They were all nodding as she spoke.

They returned to JYP ent to drop Jamie off because Jae insisted it was safer for her that way.

"Call me when you get home." Jamie said to Jae as she left.

He nodded and waved before pulling the door shut.

Arin dropped them home and left with the van.

"Where does she live?" Dowoon asked.

"We didn't bother asking." Sungjin clapped his hand over his forehead. "Let's go in."

They dragged themselves into the elevator and up to their apartment. They opened the door to see Minjoo smiling in an apron. She looked as if she had been cooking.

"Get out," Wonpil said coldly.

"Can you be nicer to her," Sungjin said as all four members dispersed into their rooms, leaving Wonpil alone with her.

"Please stop this." Wonpil pleaded and sighed. "Seriously you're irritating me now."

"I don't want you to regret this." She answered sounding hurt. "I'll leave in a month..." her voice trailed off as if she had choked on her words. "I have to find a new place to live so in the meantime, let's have all the fun we can."

"Are you even listening to me?? Have you been listening for the past days?? I need you to leave right now or I won't talk to you again."

"I just said I can't. I need to find a place-"

"Go back home."

"I don't want to."


"It's fine." She walked past him. "I won't bother you anymore." She concluded and slammed the front door as she walked out.

Wonpil exhaled, he couldn't explain why he was behaving like a jerk to her but he knew he was bound to regret it.

He sent a message to Brian asking him to come to the living room so they can talk.

"I hate myself." He let out.

"Then why are you acting that way to her."

"I don't know. I kind of- I just don't want her here."

"It's not that big of a deal. At first, I thought you were just being angry to cover up for your feelings but now you're taking it too far." Brian placed his hand on Wonpil's shoulder. "Apologize to her."

"I honestly want to but I feel embarrassed and I end up getting mad for nothing."

"At least you found something to tell the guys about her so just go along with it. Nothing is stopping you from dating now."

The two boys looked up when they saw Sungjin walk out of the room. He was on the phone with someone.

"She just left after dropping us off." He said. He looked at the boys and mouthed, "JYP." They both nodded and he put the call on speaker.

"That empty room is still vacant right?" JYP asked.

"Yes but living here with us will be uncomfortable don't you think?" The leader sat next to Brian.

"Right. We can look for an apartment close by."

"Hyungnim I have something better in mind." Brian joined the conversation.

Later that day, their doorbell rang and Brian went to get it.

"Hi." Arin was standing there with her luggage.

Brian smiled and led the way to Minjoo's apartment. He rang her bell and she opened it. She smiled at Arin and moved aside for them to enter.

Brian had already explained to Minjoo that Arin was going to be moving in with her since she had two empty rooms.

"I speak a little Korean," Arin said when Brian had left. "Not fluent."

"Nice to meet you." Minjoo gestured for a handshake and helped her take some bags to her new room.

"She's here already." Brian went to report to Sungjin when he returned. "Call hyungnim and tell him everything is settled."

"Let everyone know. Especially Jae. He's going to flip about finding out late but still."

Brian nodded and went to do as he was asked.

Thanks for reading!!

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