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At midnight, when everyone was asleep, Wonpil tiptoed out of the apartment. Minjoo was already standing outside. He pointed up and they went to take the elevator to the roof.

"Are you trying to kill me?!" Wonpil glared at her.


"I told you we have to act like strangers. The only person I told was Brian."

"They're gonna find out sooner or later."


"Okay okay." She wrapped her hands around him and squeezed him into a hug. "We haven't seen each other for about a month."

He gave in to the hug and held her back.

"You lost so much weight... also I was gonna go home this weekend." He said.

"Well we can go together. I told your mom I was moving here."

He let go. "WHAT-"

"Shhh. She thinks it's wise since I can take care of you. She gave me a lot of food and snacks for you."

"Why did-"

"Shhh, just hug me." She put her head on his chest.

Although wonpil was considered small compared to his bandmates, Minjoo was petite. Literally.

They were childhood friends who ended up having feelings for each other. They had only made their relationship official about a month or two ago.

"I have to go to sleep." He couldn't ignore how frustrated he felt with her moving into the same building and telling his mom about it.

"Okay fine I'm sorry." She took a step back and looked at him. "Long distance is just really hard for me."

"I told you it'll be-"

"Never mind." She folded her arms and walked off.

The next morning, sungjin woke up first as usual.

He had placed the glasses on his dresser to keep looking at it. It was a great opportunity for him to talk to her again and he was excited.

After staring at it for a while, he woke everyone up and they all got ready for their schedule.

They were taking their small van because their instruments were already at the company.

Brian, Wonpil and Sungjin sat in the farthest back. Jae and dowoon took the individual seats in the middle and no one was in the front passenger seat.

They always did that to be "closer."

"Where were you last night?" Sungjin turned to wonpil sitting right next to him. "I opened my eyes and you weren't in the room."

Brian, on the other end window, answered for him when he noticed he was trapped. "I asked him to help me do something."


"Yeah, he was helping me solve some problems."

Jae turned as if they included him in the conversation: "Wonpil??"

Brian sighed. "Please just mind your business."

"The disrespect." Jae shook his head before changing the subject. "I saw her at the building this morning. Is she really stalking?"

"She lives there," Sungjin responded.

"How'd you know that?"

"I was going to help her fix some things before someone interrupted me." He glanced over at wonpil.

Brian rose a brow when he finally got reassurance that what he was thinking was true. The reason they had a conflict yesterday was because of that.


"Well having a beautiful fan live right next to us isn't so bad." Dowoon joined in, drawing all eyes to him.

"Beautiful?" Wonpil sounded so defensive but offended.

"I mean she is beautiful," Sungjin answered for dowoon and Wonpil shot his eyes at the leader.

Brian leaned his head back on the top of the seat to watch the commotion.

"You see, hyung agrees with me." Dowoon continued.

"Well why do you have to emphasize the fact that she's pretty?" Wonpil questioned.

"Because she is."

"You seem to agree with us though," Sungjin added. "You called her pretty."

"Right, I said beautiful the first time," Dowoon said.

"Well that's not the point." Wonpil sounded agitated.

"What is the point?"

"Don't get too attracted to her. She might be taken."

"No one is thinking that far." Sungjin refuted. "It's not like we're gonna date a fan."

Wonpil exhaled. "Stop twisting my words..."

Jae who surprisingly hadn't said anything turned to Brian.  "What's going on?" He whispered.

"It's gonna be a long ride." He whispered back before deciding to join the argument. "Dowoon you have to be careful what you say these days."

"Why?" The maknae whined. "I only stated facts."

"Not that anyone asked you to," Wonpil mumbled.

"You're jealous man and it's obvious," Brian said quietly for only Wonpil to hear.

"Maybe." Wonpil admitted.

"I don't think you're the only jealous one though." Jae who had already caught on to a little bit of what was going on said. He was looking at Sungjin as he spoke.

Brian looked so confused at this point. He didn't know if Jae understood the whole thing.

"It's gonna be a love square, trust me," Jae whispered again to Brian.

"Between who? Wait- Who's the fourth person?" Brian asked.

"These three fools here and the girl who moved in." The oldest smirked. "It'll be fun watching." He said and snorted.

Thanks for reading !!

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