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The band returned home early since Brian and Wonpil had to be back at JYP ent in the evening.

"Hey I wanna return this. Hey I forgot to give this to you. Hey I totally didn't remember. Hey it totally skipped my mind." Sungjin was practicing lines to say when he returns the sunglasses to Minjoo. "Oh fook it." He snatched them from the dresser and headed outside.

He opened the front door and bumped into Minjoo leaving her own apartment.

"Are you going out?" He sounded flustered.

"Yeah I wanted to eat out for dinner."


"Arin is coming with me." She slightly bowed and kept on walking but he called her name. She turned to look at him.

"I wanted to return this." He brought out the glasses he had been hiding behind his back. "I forgot-"

"It's fine. You can keep it." She said and bowed again.

Her countenance was gloomy and it made Sungjin feel bad.

"You want to eat with us instead?" Sungjin offered. "You can invite Arin too."

"I don't want to bother you guys today-"

"I'm the one who suggested it. We can cook together if you don't mind."

A smile appeared on her face. "I'm in." She went back into her apartment to drop her purse and tell Arin the new plan.

Sungjin took her to the kitchen when she came to their apartment. "By the way, we enjoyed what you made on Saturday. Thank you for cooking." He said while bringing out ingredients.

"You're welcome." She smiled. "I'll do the chopping, you do the marinating."

Throughout the process of cooking, the two of them talked, laughed and played around.

Sungjin told her a lot about himself and she did the same, keeping in mind that she had to refer to herself as Wonpil's cousin.

"What's your ideal type?" Sungjin asked her shyly.

She was about to blurt out "Wonpil" but she just chuckled instead. "A guy who can cook." She said and started laughing. "Isn't that what you want to hear."

Sungjin nervously chuckled and decided to try his luck. "Yeah." He muttered.

"I'm not that picky." She continued. "I haven't dated a lot of guys... I mean who would be attracted to me in the first place."

"Me." Sungjin blurted without realizing it. "Too. Me too." He repeated to save himself. "I meant me too. I'm not picky."

"I'll set the table." She quickly walked over to the cabinet. Her face was flushing pink because she wasn't that dense to believe he meant me too. She knew what he meant in the first place. He was attracted to her.

"Did I make you uncomfortable?" Sungjin asked scratching his head. "Sorry-"

"What's attractive about me?" She asked shamelessly.

"I don't know.."

"You're really charming." She said. "That's really attractive about you. So you should tell me something too."


"Keep thinking about that. Just call the boys to come eat. I'll go get your manager."

The embarrassment rushed up her face as she went to call Arin. At that point she just wanted to make herself feel good and could care less about the shame.

Everyone ate quickly because it was too awkward. When they were done, Dowoon offered to do the dishes but Minjoo declined.

"I'll do it with Sungjin." She said, making Wonpil look at her.

She wasn't even trying to make Wonpil jealous, she just genuinely loved being around Sungjin. "Let's go." She said to the leader who eagerly stood up.

All their giggling and messing around in the kitchen made Wonpil furious. He put in airpods to block the sound but his face showed how angry he felt.

"Hyung." Brian stuck his head in the kitchen and called sungjin. "I'm leaving now."

The leader turned and waved at him. "Be safe."

"JAE I'LL SEE YOU LATER." He yelled and moved to the door to put on his shoes.

Wonpil also stood up to wear his shoes. Brian gave him a pat on the back. "Relax. They're not flirting."

"I don't care."

Brian smiled. "You do. Let's go." He said and they rushed out for Arin to drop them off.

They arrived at JYP ent and JYP was standing at the entrance with Baek Ayeon, JB, Youngjae and Jamie.

They had to drive all the way to the wedding venue to practice for their performance. The couple was also having their wedding rehearsal so it made sense to watch and get a feel of how it'll actually be when they sing. They also needed to rehearse how they had to proceed down the aisle.

"Who are we waiting for?" JYP asked looking around. "Just Nayeon and Jihyo? Can someone go get them? I think they're waiting in their practice room."

"I'll go." Brian volunteered because it meant he might get to see Jeongyeon in the process.

He handed Wonpil his phone and bent down to adjust his shoe laces. When it was tight enough he ran off and went to Twice's practice room.

Immediately Brian left, Nayeon and Jihyo walked up to the group.

"Sorry for making you guys wait." Nayeon said, as she bowed slightly to greet everyone there. "We both had to use the restroom."

"It's fine." JYP said. "Wait so you didn't meet Brian??"

They both shook their heads.


Why do I find this funny>o<

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Why do I find this funny>o<

Thanks for reading !!! <3

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