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Brian tried, by all means, to avoid JYP as they walked into JYP ent but he was unaware the CEO was waiting for him in Day6's practice room.

"Welcome back Mr. boyfriend."

"Good afternoon." Brian politely bowed and everyone else did the same. Arin who also walked in with them greeted him.

"Where's your girlfriend?"

"Her practice room??" He responded in a tone questioning why JYP was asking him.

"How do you know that?" The CEO stood up and slowly walked towards him. "I thought I said no texting or communicating."

"I guessed." Brian flinched even before JYP was an inch from him.

"So you haven't talked to her since you left here yesterday?"

Brian shook his head and everyone held their laugh.

"I'm gonna call her right now and confirm." JYP took out his phone to dial Jeongyeon's number.

Brian carefully snatched it from his hand. "Hyungnim don't you think you're being very petty..?" He moved back as he asked.

"I just need you to be honest with me, who knows? I might even give you guys my blessing."

"Bro don't fall for it." Jae whispered and JYP glared at him.

"Let me have my phone." He put out his hand and Brian carefully dropped the phone on his palm.

"Hyungnim I can't date her with the conditions you placed."

"Then don't," JYP said and smiled. "It's been three years but I guess you don't pay attention when you read contracts."


"Know your rights," JYP concluded and gave him a pat on his back. He turned to face the other members. "Are any of you dating?"

The room became silent, they could hear a pin drop.

Dowoon looked straight ahead. Brian looked at Wonpil. Wonpil looked at Sungjin. Sungjin looked down. Arin looked at Jae.

"Me?" Jae questioned amused by the fact that she was suspecting him.

"Speak now or forever remain silent. I just need to be prepared in case word gets out so that I'll know how to respond." JYP said and looked at all their faces, one after the other.

"We'll let you know when we do." Jae spoke on behalf of everyone.

"You better. Anyway, both of you," JYP pointed at Brian and Wonpil. "We have to go to the same place as yesterday."

"We're ready. We just need to get our hair done."

"Good. We're leaving in an hour."


The JYP team arrived at the wedding hall to rehearse one last time and make any corrections.

They spent longer than they had planned so each group had to call their members and let them know they didn't have to wait at JYP ent.

Brian called Sungjin, "Hyung you guys can leave, we're gonna be back late."

"Are you sure?"

"We'll take a taxi back home."

"Alrighty, let me know when you're about to leave so that I'll order takeout a few minutes before you come."


Day6 returned to their apartment and had to take the stairs again because the elevator wasn't still fixed. Sungjin got a text from Brian telling him they were about to leave so he ordered something for them to eat as planned.

Because of the band's safety, they always told the delivery service to drop it at the ground floor where they would come down to pick up the food.

Sungjin went back downstairs to wait for the delivery.


Minjoo felt worse than she did in the morning. It was another time, depression was creeping in. She had coughed up blood, vomited and lost her appetite. She felt dizzy but still decided to take a walk to feel better.

She was crying and half-conscious as she walked out of her apartment towards the stairs.

Sungjin got the takeout and was on his way back up the stairs when he bumped in Minjoo. They were a few steps away from each other but she didn't seem to recognize that he was there.

"Hey." He said excitedly but she just kept going down the stairs. She was staggering and it made him anxious. "You're gonna trip." He said quickly putting down the food bag he was holding. He rushed up to her but it was already too late.

She twisted her ankle, tripped and fell towards him, pushing him down as well. In order to protect her from hitting the ground, he rolled down the steps and landed on his right arm.

It hurt.

"Are you ok? Is your ankle fine?" He could barely get up but he still worriedly asked about how she felt. He whimpered out of pain when he tried to move his arm.

Minjoo stood up and ran to help him. "I'm sorry. Because of me-"

"Call Jae." He said with the last bit of energy he had left. Any moment from then, he would've been in tears out of pain.

Jae called the ambulance as he ran to him. "Oof, they'll be here in a minute." He called JYP to let him know about the accident and also sent a message in the gc for Brian and Wonpil to know.

"Minjoo's ankle.." Sungjin managed to say.

"You got hurt too?" Jae turned and asked her.


Brian and Wonpil ran into the hospital. "Park Sungjin." Brian said at the front desk and they let him know the room number.

Sungjin's arm was in a cast and he was seated on the bed. Dowoon and Jae were also there. Minjoo was seated on a chair by the side.

"Hyung!!" Brian dashed to the bed and touched the cast. "What happened?"

"He apparently fell off the stairs," Jae responded.

"I pushed him," Minjoo spoke, and the two guys who hadn't noticed her presence finally looked at her. Wonpil looked more shocked to see her, he couldn't deny the fact that he was worried something might've been wrong with her too.

"Why is she here?" Brian whispered to ask Jae.

"She sprained her ankle but she doesn't want us to let the doctor know."

"Why not?" Wonpil asked. "If you're hurt, let them check it out." By the sound of his voice, he was worried.

"Right, since your cousin is here now, he can sign as your guardian," Jae added.

"I said I'm fine, focus on Sungjin. He's in pain because of me." Minjoo responded.

Wonpil felt jealous that she was caring for the leader. "Hyungnim is gonna be here any second from now." He said. "He can't see you here."

"She can barely walk," Sungjin interrupted. "Just let her sit there, we'll just tell him she's your cousin."

"NO." Wonpil yelled unconsciously.

"Come on." Dowoon walked up to her and put his hand out. "I'll walk you to the lobby to wait."

She smiled and stood up to lean on the maknae as they walked out.

Brian looked at Wonpil, sighed and shook his head.


JYP walked in a couple of minutes later.

"Does it hurt a lot?" He asked the leader. "You should've been careful. How did you fall off the stairs?"

"Are you scolding him or worried about him?" Jae questioned and got a fierce glare from the CEO.

"I was running." Sungjin lied. "I'll be fine."

JYP sighed. "Well, you need to rest so just use this opportunity to. You can go home for a week or two to recuperate."


Thanks for reading !!! <3

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