twenty eight.

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twenty eight.

After Driftingsky turned to go back to camp, small drops of rain began to fall from the sky. While the rain wasn't anywhere near heavy, it could be soon. With that being considered, I thought it would be a good idea to pick up the pace a bit.

I prayed to Starclan that the rain would stop soon, but it remained steady as more rain began to come down. I ran under trees to protect myself from the rain, passing by full streams and picking up the scents of the twoleg nests. It wasn't hard to miss them, as they stood tall with wooden fences standing on the outside.

Sunstreak had told me it was a blue one, with a hole in the fence. I kept my eyes peeled as I made my way closer to the nests. The large fences stood proudly, my eyes running over them. I felt both hesitant, yet anxious as I slowly approached it. Rain seemed to keep coming down, the harder it came the more I wished to get out of it.

My white and grey pelt was drenched as I slipped through the small hole, thankful that it was big enough to fit my figure. I gazed at the yard I now stood in, examining the open space and empty bowls that sat on the porch.

Shivering, I began to trot closer to the house to get under the tree that had a good amount of protection from the weather. I sat, mud probably soaking my coat.

Suddenly, my ears shot up, alert. The sound of a jingling bell filled my ears, my attention being torn to the twoleg nest. There, walking through the doggy-door, was a pure white she-cat. Her pelt was thick, very thick. And her eyes, they were the bluest I've ever seen. They held a certain amount of wisdom in them, as well as the instincts of a mother.

"Petalheart...?" Clovertuft whispered softly, her pelt remaining dry from the shelter of her nest. She stood outside, but appeared to be protected just by standing on the porch.

"No," The mother shook her head. I felt my muzzle tremble, I couldn't tell if it was from the rain, or from hearing my mother's voice again. "No," she repeated quietly, her eyes never leaving my figure. "Lilystem...?" She tried again, one of her paws extending.

I slowly nodded, pacing a few steps forwards.

Before I knew it, Clovertuft's eyes filled with unspilled tears, her feet scrambling to run towards me. I watched her as she ran through the rain to get to me, her thick pelt growing damp quickly in the rain. I lessened the space between us as I bolted to my mother.

Once we clashed, my face buried into her pelt, and I did what I hadn't done ever since Petalheart's death.

I cried, and I cried.

My body shook as I let the tears run down my face and soak into my mother's fur. She comforted me as her tail and one of her paws wrapped around my back, not speaking a word.

And for a while, I cried with the rain.


i know cats can't actually cry but it's cool right

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