laptop ; mark

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Requested by: tacozoe

mark as boyfriend

Yawning, you stared hard at the maths equation you were trying to solve, maybe if you stared at it hard enough it would resolve itself. Unfortunately, you had been stuck with the same question for the past 15 minutes, it was as if someone had placed a block on your brain, you just couldn't figure out the next step.

Maybe some coffee your exhausted brain thought. You smiled wryly at yourself. It was always just some coffe, which would turn out to be cups and cups of it until you were so caffeinated you would be bouncing off the walls of your room, not getting a wink of sleep and end up being sleepy for your class tomorrow morning.

If Mark was here he would have immediately blocked the door to the kitchen, you could almost hear his exasperated yet soft voice sternly ordering you back to your seat.

'You are NOT getting a cup of coffee at this hour (Y/N),' his voice whispered at the back of your mind.

You would have argued with him, trying desperately to make him move but you knew it was impossible, he was as stubborn as you are and if you had a dollar for the number of times both of you were at loggerheads, you would have been able to buy a mansion, a yacht AND your own private island in the Pacific. But that was what you loved most about him. How both of you just fell into the familiar pattern of friendship, knowing his little quirks, fitting with each other like puzzle pieces.

The friendship, which for you was starting to transform into a more butterflies-in-your-stomach experience everytime you saw him. You found yourself staring at him more and more often, noticing the smaller things: the curve of his lip as he smiled, the pressure of his hand on your shoulders or the feeling of his hand in your hair as he ruffled it jokingly.

Your daydreaming was interrupted by the urgent buzz of your phone as it vibrated against your table, demanding to be answered. Picking up the call, you shook your head smiling when you saw the ID.

'Hello?' you asked, half annoyed half good-natured.

'Um (Y/N), could you come to the training centre for a while?" Bam's small voice asked over the phone and it sounded as if it he was in pain.

The smirk melted off your face replaced by a look of genuine concern. 'What? Why? What's wrong?" you asked, all thoughts of homework and coffee and Mark abandoned, your 'older-sister' instincts kicking into high gear.

You were fiercely protective of Bam Bam, he was like a younger brother to you. When you were first introduced to him and the rest of GOT7 by Mark, you instinctively felt the need to protect him as he was pushed around and bullied jokingly by all the other members. He had only been 13 when he left for Korea from Thailand and being in a land where he had no one and didn't even speak the language, you emphatized with him and wanted very badly to take care of him. Fortunately, it seemed to fit the relationship you both had and he had come to regard as you as a cross between an older sister and best friend. Of course, you were close to all the members, but Mark and Bam were different. Mark you had known your entire childhood, while Bam was like the little brother you had always wanted but never had.

'Um, I think you should come and find out,' he said voice as serious as you had ever heard. 'And could you stop by the convenient store and get me some ice?'

'Ice??' of all the things to ask for, this definitely wasn't at the top of your list. 'Fine, I'll be there in 5 minutes, just don't get hurt,' you said quickly before whisking out of your house.

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