Chapter 1 ~ Heading to school

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"Sam! Get up, school starts in 40 minutes and I do not want to be late!" Dean shouted, banging on his little brother's bedroom door. It was the Winchesters first day at their newest school. Their father, John, constantly moved them from state to state ever since they were young. Their mother had died in an unfortunate house fire, and John had immediately uprooted them and started the chain of moving from state to state.

"I'm up, I'm up. Can you fuck off already?" Sam groaned sleepily, as Dean ceased the relentless knocking.

"Fine, just be downstairs and dressed in five minutes. I want to get to school early since it's our first day."

"Mhm." Sam replied, as Dean finally left him alone.

Sam got dressed in a black shirt, plaid jacket and jeans, then he went downstairs for breakfast, only to see a pitiful bowl of cereal waiting for him. "Is that breakfast?" Sam asked, a hint of disgust in his voice.

"Yes it is. Now be a bit thankful, that bowl includes half of my breakfast. And remember, we hardly ever eat breakfast anyways." Dean chastised.

"Yeah, I know. I just wish we could have more than simply cereal." Sam whined, and Dean frowned in sympathy. Their father struggled with money, so they never were able to have much of anything. They had learned to cope with it, but it was still hard.

"I did apply for a part-time job, remember?" Dean added, looking into Sam's sad hazel-green eyes. "And you're 16, Sam, you're old enough for a part-time job too. And while I was looking for a part-time job, I saw a few that I think you might like, such as part-time library assistant. They're offering $12 an hour! And you'd work about 15 hours a week, 5 days a week."

"That sounds good." Sam commented, and Dean nodded.

"Exactly! Now, eat up, we need to leave."
Sam ate his cereal quickly, then grabbed his backpack and followed Dean outside to Dean's 1967 Chevy Impala. Dean drove them up to their new high school, where they both climbed out of the car. They figured today would be like most first days at their new schools. They bid each other goodbye, and with that they went inside.


"Gaaaaaaabe! Get up get up get up!" Lucifer screamed, as Cas simply watched, shaking his head. It was almost 7 in the morning, and everyone in the house knew Gabriel rarely woke up before 7.

"Gabe! I'm going to hide your candy stash!" Lucifer yelled.

"IF YOU CAN FIND IT!" Gabriel yelled back.

"I KNOW WHERE YOUR CANDY STASH IS AND I WILL HIDE IT IF YOU DON'T GET UP!" Lucifer shouted, fury in his eyes. Cas took a step back; you wouldn't want to mess with Lucifer when he's angry.

"FINE!" Gabriel yelled, and Lucifer finally quieted down. Well, not for very long. Before Cas knew it, Lucifer was screaming at Balthazar to get ready.

"Why is Luci yelling so loud?" Samandriel asked timidly, peering up at Cas.

"He's just angry. He doesn't want to be late. Again." Cas explained to his younger brother.
"Oh. Ok. I guess I should finish getting ready so he doesn't scream at me." Samandriel stated, and Cas nodded in agreement.

"Is Lucifer waking everybody up again?" Chuck asked, suddenly appearing at the top of the stairs.

"Yes, he is." Cas answered, and Chuck just nodded before retreating down the stairs. Cas was already dressed, his backpack packed, and ready to go. He had already eaten his breakfast, which had been a bagel Becky had made for him.

Gabriel eventually came out of his room, dressed with his hair messy and unkempt. Cas patted it down a bit for him, and the two brothers descended the stairs. Once reaching the bottom, they saw Lucifer in a heated argument with Balthazar. Shrugging it off as a normal everyday occurence, Cas and Gabriel instead headed for the door.

Raphael was already standing outside, leaning against his car. The Novak siblings took two cars to school, Lucifer's and Raphael's. Gabriel had been begging for his own car ever since he had gotten his license, but Chuck and Becky didn't trust him with a car. They insisted he would end up littering his car with candy wrappers, which he adamantly denied. Not that he needed to, as no one believed him.

"You two waiting on Lucifer?" Raphael asked, peering at Cas and Gabriel, who nodded. "Is he arguing with Balthazar again?" Cas and Gabriel nodded. "Of course he is, what else do those two do on school mornings?"

Eventually, Lucifer came outside, followed by an angry Balthazar and a shy Samandriel.
"Hey, you two," Raphael remarked, looking straight at Lucifer and Balthazar, "try not to murder each other on the drive to school."

"I can't make any promises." Lucifer growled.

"What were you two even arguing about anyway?" Raphael inquired.

"The Titanic movie." Balthazar responded, and Raphael rolled his eyes.

"Of course."

Cas and Gabriel climbed into Lucifer's van, along with Balthazar, Lucifer and Samandriel. Raphael waited outside for their sisters, so he could drop them off at middle school before he headed to school. Cas, Gabriel, Lucifer, Balthazar, Raphael and Samandriel all attended the same high school. Lucifer would've been in college had he not failed his math class (He blamed the teacher), whilst Raphael was a senior, Gabriel, Cas and Balthazar juniors, and Samandriel a freshman. Once arriving at school, they all figured it would be a normal day, but fate had other plans.

Hello and welcome to my very first Supernatural story! This is for my friend Tyra (stopped_listening ) because she said she would read this (so I better see comments from you)
Anyways, I'm pretty new to the fandom (I joined in the first week of January of this year) and I've watched most of the show, and I've been reading a few fanfics and decided to make one of my own. I already have the next like four chapters written so depending on how much feedback I get on this chapter, I'll probably release the next few soon. Please be kind to me on this story, as this is my first Supernatural fanfic I've ever written. I'm going to try to include as many characters as I can, and I'll try to include quite a few ships as well. Anyways, enjoy this story, and thanks for checking it out!
3/15/19: Looking back at this story, my writing wasn't that good and a lot of bits in it are rushed and there's a few mistakes (like Gabriel's age changing) but you guys seem to really enjoy it. Thanks for all the feedback <3
~ Liz

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