Chapter 32 Merry Christmas, War Is Over

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Chapter 32 ~ Merry Christmas, War Is Over

Everyone came home for Christmas. We are all at the Hamptons villa hanging out after our Christmas Eve dinner.

Macy and little Livy are chasing Crinkles around the lounge. Uncle Aidan is worried they might slip and bump their heads. Aunt Lily also looks so worried following the kids around. Talk about overzealous grandparents.  Uncle Rick and Marie are also following the kids’ every move.

Maddie and Martin are busy stuffing their faces with the cupcakes I made. For once, Cranky Boy praised my cooking just because he cannot bake. He is not very patient with measuring ingredients and putting them in the correct order. He just likes to put in a little of something and a dash of whatever. Surprisingly, his cooking always tastes good.

Dianne and her husband Nick are chatting with Jessie. Ian and Derek are busy discussing something about movers and stuff. Ian is currently staying here at the villa but after New Year, he will officially move back to California. He is insisting it is just for work and business purposes. He cannot fool me. I know he is moving back because of Miss Maid of Honor.

I think I should meet Miss Maid of Honor when I visit Stanford and UCLA in March that is if things go my way. Kendall is also eyeing Stanford. It will be fun if both of us get accepted. The sad part is I will be away from Dylan…again. He is not even talking to me now because my visit to universities in California was discussed over dinner.

I guess that is something Dylan is also not looking forward to. He still avoids any topic related to my college education. Seth said Cranky loses his temper whenever he tries to bring it up, too.

I wanted to ask Dylan to come with me to California. We could stay there for his birthday and then I can check out the schools. However if I do that, I feel like I am spoiling his birthday. I know one of these days, we need to sit down and talk about the future. But it is the holiday season and I do not want to spoil it.

“Merry Christmas!” Seth slumped on the space beside me on the couch. “What’s with the long face?”

I sighed. “College.” I leaned in to whisper to him. I glanced at Dylan who is sitting by the fireplace. He is staring in space.

He nodded knowingly. “Still can’t tell him?”

“Yeah. I don’t know how to start.” I said, sighing again. “Oh well, I have a few months to sit on it. Until I get my acceptance letters…”

Seth snorted.”…letters, huh? I love your confidence.”

“Duh.” I hit his arm playfully. “I am just pretending to be dumb. Oh wait, is tuna a chicken?”

“Ha-ha. What about Kendall? Where has she applied?” He asked casually. Hmmm, Topless Boy likes my best friend, I think.

“She applied in the same schools I did.” I declared, watching his reaction. He sucked in his breath and got up. “Where are you going?”

“I will sulk with my best friend over there.” He said sadly and motioned towards Dylan’s location by the fireplace. Cranky Boy has been staring at the fire for the past half an hour.

“Seth, that does not make me feel better.” I looked at him, scowling.

“Give us time. We’ll get over this.” He smiled and sauntered over to Dylan.

I cannot let this happen. I cannot let my holidays be ruined by what is not even decided yet. I got off the couch and walked over to where Dylan and Seth were. They weren’t talking. They were literally sulking and brooding, staring at the crackling fire. I sat between them on the floor, flopping down on an empty bean bag.

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