Chapter 22: Simply Accept Her

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Chapter 22: Simply Accept Her

'I wonder if I can still play?', I thought as I saw it from the side of my eye.

'A piano? Not what I'd expect from you Master'.

I sat down at the glass grand piano.

As a kid mother taught me to play piano, it was also one of the other things I was good at. I played the one song I remembered perfectly Dew Drop by Elly Vuong.

'Woah, so good', Kiyoko said as she walked past.

I spun around on the stool nearly tipping it over.

'Oh sorry didn't mean to scare you'.

'Oh no it's okay, it's fine you didn't scare', I said as I picked up the stool.

'No, I made you spin around like that for no reason'.


She laughed at me.

'What... you got me on the spot I wasn't expecting anyone to come in'.

'Anyway, since when did you play piano, who taught you'.

'I played as a kid.... mum taught me'.

'Oh sorry, I shouldn't have asked'.

'No it's okay', I smiled brightly.

She sat down beside me on the stool.

'Teach me', she said look at me with a smile.

'I'm not a good teacher'.

'Just try'.

I looked down at her hands. I stood up and walked behind her hugging her from behind and moving her fingers and hands into the right position.

'Press that note down'.

She followed as I said until she lost her nerve.

'Okay.. I give up'.

I laughed as she said that.

'I said I was a bad teacher'.

'You are beyond bad', she said as she turned around on the stool and met my lips.

I jumped back and ran into the table in surprise as a warm tingly feeling went trough my whole body. Her eyes widened.

'S-sorry, so sorry. I d-didn't know you were that close', Kiyoko apologised clearly embarrassed.


I got back up from the fall. What are you meant to say to a girl you like after she kisses you accidentally? She whole face was as red as a tomato. I touched my lips.

'That was my first kiss...'.

'Me too'.

'MASTER WHAT THE HELL! You don't say that to a girl you kissed'.

'Shut up, I wasn't expecting it'.

She ran past me out off the room.

'Great one Izo... I mean Master'.

'See how much easier it is to call me Izo'.

'I'm sorry, I forgot my place'.

'Call me Izo'.

He didn't answer back for a bit.

'When you find my name I'll call you by yours'.

'It's a deal', I thought.

I moved the table back into it's place.

'Kiyoko kissed me', I thought as I walked out of the door.

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