#48 Dean - Part 3: Too Late

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Y/N p.o.v:


"There ya go. I'll be back in a few hours." She said and then left. You popped the pills into your mouth and then downed some water to wash them away. You saw a trashcan by your bed and threw the paper cup in it. You heard shuffling and a small groan following after. You looked over to the figure who was on the couch and froze. You knew who that was. You knew them too well. It was Dean. You couldn't move. He rose and then looked at your still posture. He could see, even in the dim lighting, the fear, sadness, and anger in your dull, hazel eyes.
"Y/N?" He asked.


Dean's p.o.v:

Why had I said all that? If I hadn't said all that shit all those years ago, Y/N wouldn't be here. She was going to make a full recovery, for sure, but she left because of me.
"Why are you here, Dean?" She spat. I looked down shamefully. I was such a screw up. I walked over to her and sat down next to Y/N.
"I'm so sorry. I-I regret saying what I said that night, Y/N. You never disappointed me; never ever. I love how so free willed you were. How free willed you still are. I will always be here to help you fix your mistakes. No matter what, you always learn from them anyway. I make mistakes and I learn from them. You do too and it took me a while to understand and accept that. And you never let someone fix your mistakes. I knew I was wrong about the the second it came from my mouth, but I was mad. I was angry and-and I don't know! Y/N, I can't forgive myself for making you leave. I understand if you don't feel the same, but I never stopped loving you. I love you so much and that will never go away. Please, Y/N, come home. You don't have to come home and be with me, but just come home, so you can be safe. Hell, just move in to the same area as the bunker, Y/N! But please...Just come home." I pleaded. Y/N stared at me with an unreadable expression. She looked away and didn't say anything for a few minutes.
"Dean, I never stopped loving you. I wanted to hate you. Dear God, did I try. I tried so hard. I tried to get over you, but you had too much of an impact on my life that it made it impossible. You're lucky that I only hold grudges for the ones who I truly hate. I forgive you, Dean, and I will come back, but maybe we should take a while before we can go back to us. If that's even possible, in which I believe it is. There's just so much that we need to catch up on and so many more things to know about each other." Y/N said. I let out a huge sigh of relief and let my head fall into my hands. Hot tears started to form in my eyes and pool into my hand. I felt a hand on my arm, knowing that it was Y/N trying her best to comfort me.
"Dean..." She said softly. I let out a sob and then looked up at my beautiful, amazing Y/N L/N. How could I have ever hurt this woman? The woman I loved?
"Calm down. I won't leave you." She whispered. I smiled through my tears and chuckled weakly.
"You don't have to say it back, but I love you, Y/N. I always will." I said, my voice cracking I'm various places. Y/N smiled softly and took one of my hands, placing her soft, plump pink lips to the back of it.
"I know, Dean." She said. Maybe it wasn't too late to apologize. Forgive, but forgetting? This would have been my hugest regret, but with that comes the greatest achievements and I would have been damned if I hadn't believed in those achievements. When you think it's too late, don't forget to at least try because if you don't try, you won't ever know.


This was definitely a LONG over due chapter! I kinda liked how it ended!

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