#6 Sam - Baby

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Y/N p.o.v:

You stood there in shock holding the stick with 2 pink lines. You were pregnant. You guys had been so careful! Apparently not careful enough. You walked out of the bathroom and headed to yours and Sam's shared bedroom. Sam was in the library searching for a hunt and Dean was out getting food. You went to your dresser and shoved the stick in there. You hoped Sam wouldn't get in it. He usually never does. You walked back out and went to the library. Sam was sitting on the couch that was in there.
"Hey, Sammy." You said. He looked up from his computer and smiled at you.
"Hey, Shorty." He replied. You rolled your eyes.
"I'm going to go to town to get some things. Okay?" You told him. He nodded.
"Sure. Be back soon." He said. You nodded and placed a kiss on his cheek and then grabbing your car keys. You walked outside and got into your car. You started it and drove off. Really all you wanted to do was calm down your nerves. You had no idea what to expect from Sam once he finds out. You probably should have told him right away, but you were too scared of how he'd react. You couldn't raise a child in this life! You just couldn't even stand the thought of raising your child to be a hunter. So, you decided you'd leave the boys and find your friend, who is also a hunter, and live with her. She got out of the life and told you that if anything happened, go to her right away. You drove aways from the bunker and to Y/F/N. It was a good thing Sam and Dean knew nothing about your friend.


It took you hours to get to her house. You turned off your GPS a few hours before so the boys wouldn't find you. You checked your phone and saw many missed text messages and calls from Sam and Dean. You walked up to your friends house and knocked on the door. The door opened, revealing Y/F/N. She smiled and motioned for you to come in, which you did.
"Y/N! What are you doing here?" She asked. You smiled sheepishly.
"Well, you said if anything happened, go to you right away." You told her. Her smile faded and dragged you to the couch. You both sat down.
"What happened?" She asked.
"Well, I thought we were careful, but turns out we weren't as careful as I thought." You said in a small voice. Y/F/N looked at you in confusion.
"What do you mean?" She asked. You took a deep breath.
"I'm pregnant." You told her in a whisper. She was silent for a few minutes before smiling widely.
"Oh my God! That's amazing!" She said excitedly. You nodded.
"But I don't want to raise a child into the hunters life. I can't. I'm afraid of how Sam would react. So, I came here. Would you mind me staying here for a while?" You asked her. She frowned.
"Of course you can, Y/N, but you should have told Sam. He deserved to know. And I know what you mean by not wanting to raise a child into the life, but Sam still deserved to know." She told you. You sighed in frustration.
"I know. I know that he deserved to know, but I'm too afraid of how he would react! And the fact that I can't raise a child in this life. I just can't." You said. Y/F/N nodded.
"Okay. You can stay here. I'll help you out." She said with a smile. You hugged her.
"Thank you so much. I don't know what I'd do without you." You whispered. She laughed and you let go.
"Probably crash and burn." She said. (You are welcome.) You rolled your eyes and smiled.

~3 years later~

"Lily! Get in here and help Mommy clean up this mess!" You yelled. You heard tiny thumps coming towards you along with giggling. You saw your 3 year old daughter running towards you with open arms.
"Okay!" She said. You smiled as she started picking up her dolls and tossing them in the toy basket. You helped her pick up the last few and smiled as she held up her arms. You picked her up and grunted.
"You're getting big, pumpkin." You said. She giggled and wrapped her arms around your neck. When Lily was born, you and Y/F/N saved up enough money to buy a small house for you. You heard the doorbell ring and walked to get it. You opened the door with a smile, but that smile quickly went away. There stood the one and only Sam Winchester.
"Mommy, what's wrong?" Your daughter asked you. You looked at her with a smile.
"Nothing, sweetie. I want you to go to your room and stay there until I say so, okay?" You asked her. She nodded and you put her down. You watched her as she ran to her room. You looked back at Sam and faked a smile.
"Hey, Sam." You said. He just stared at you.
"Y/N?" He asked. You nodded and opened the door wider so he could come in.
"Sit down and we can talk. You want anything to drink?" You asked. He shook his head and continued to sit down. You followed him and sat down next to him.
"Why'd you leave us?" He asked you. You sighed.
"Because of Lily." You said. He looked at you in confusion.
"What?" He asked.
"Lily. She's- she's your daughter. I left because I was scared. I was scared of how you would react to having a baby. Plus I didn't want to raise a child into the hunters life." I explained. He looked down.
"She's mine?" He asked.
"Yeah. She's got your eyes, Sammy." You said with a smile. He looked back at you.
"Can- can I see her?" He asked. You nodded and called for your daughter.
"Coming, Mommy!" She yelled. You heard her running to you and Sam. She ran to you and climbed on to your lap.
"Who's that?" She whispered into your ear. You laughed.
"That's your Daddy." You whispered back. She looked at you in shock and happiness.
"I have a Daddy?" She asked. You nodded.
"Yep. Go say hi." You told her. She looked at Sam and smiled shyly.
"Hey, Lily." Sam said softly. Your daughter giggled and climbed over to him. He held her close.
"I'm so happy I finally get to meet you." He whispered. Lily giggled again.
"Are you going to stay with us now?" She asked. Sam looked at you and then at her. He opened his mouth, but you put your hand up.
"Lily, what he does is dangerous. And he wouldn't be able to stay here for very long. You know that, remember? I don't want you to end up in this life." You told her. A few months ago, you had to explain why there where drawings under the carpets and salt by the windows. You told her not to get into the life and she understood why she couldn't, no matter how cool it sounded. She wouldn't be able to stay in one place and that it's be close to impossible to find a boy who would understand. It surprised you at how much she understood.
"Yes, Mommy, I know." You daughter said with a sad sigh.
"I'll take a break from it." He said while looking at you. You glared at him.
"You can't. People will get hurt. People will die." You said in a low voice.
"People die all the time." He said right back at you. Your anger flared.
"Lily, honey, go to your room, please." You said. She nodded. She knew not to argue back. You watched as she hopped on the ground and went to her room. Soon, you heard the door click shut. Your head snapped back to Sam.
"Samuel Winchester! You can't just say that and get her hopes up! I am doing just fine on my own. I don't need any help raising her! I got out of the life like I always wanted. I still take precautions. But I do not need your fucking help! So, you will tell her that you won't be able-" you got off by Sam placing his hands on both sides of your cheeks.
"Y/N." He whispered. You closed your eyes and let the tears that had been pricking at your eyes, flow down your cheeks.
"I'm sorry, Sam. I'm so sorry." You sobbed. He pressed his lips softly to yours. You hesitated before kissing back. You pulled away after a few moments and rested your forehead on his chest.
"I missed you. So much." You whispered.
"I missed you, too." He said. "I won't let you go again. I can't. These past 3 years have been hell. Dean wanted me to just give up looking for you. But I couldn't. He assumed you were dead after about a year. He hated to admit it, but he didn't know any other explanation. I, however, believed that you were still alive." He said. You nodded.
"I shouldn't have left, but I was so scared." You whispered. Tears slid down your cheeks.
"Shh. It's okay. We're together now." He said softly.
"I don't want you to leave, but what about saving all of those people?" You asked. He pulled back looking you in the eyes.
"People die all the time, Y/N. I want to take a break for a few months. Dean is at the motel in town right now." He said. You nodded.
"Okay. Lily!" You called. You quickly wiped away your tears and looked towards the thumping of your daughters feet.
"Yes, Mommy?" She asked. You smiled and motioned for her to come to you. She listened and jumped on your lap.
"Daddy's going to stay here for a while. But first, I want you to meet your Uncle Dean." You said.

Sam stayed more than a few months he got out of the life just for you. Dean was thrilled that you were alive and that he was now an uncle. Lily grew up and got married to a nice young man. She knew to take precautions to keep herself safe. You died of old age and Sam died from Cancer. You met in heaven that Castiel had made for you two and watched your daughter get older and her children grow up.


How was it? Good? Bad? Probably bad..

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