#100 - Ending!

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Yeah, I know no one likes these, but please read it. This is my last chapter! You guys have brought me on this amazing journey and I can't wait to start a bigger one with the second book. I appreciate everything you guys have been through with me. This book is... it just means the world. It tells you guys a lot about me. I took what I felt and wrote it out in this book. Your requests, I made them into how I felt and still you guys loved them and that makes me so happy. I honestly, I truly am thankful for everything. Especially on my face reveal chapter. All of you only said nice and such kind things and they all mean a lot to me. Thank you for everything❤💖 Anyway, this is going to be different than the others. I'm using two of the requests because I wanted this to be longer than usual. I hope y'all like it.

Requests for Fusnif and sarahitzelle . I hope this is what you guys asked for!

First imagine: #100  Lucifer/kinda Gabriel - Soulmates

Y/N p.o.v:

"Hey, Y/N." Gabriel said. You smiled up at him as he walked towards you with a sucker in his mouth. He took the sucker out to peck you on the cheek. That was a little different.
"Hi, Angel." You responded. He had probably just got back from business in heaven. You have been together for the past year and you couldn't have been happier. You had Sam and Dean to thank for meeting Gabriel.
"So what have you been doing while I've been gone?" He asked. You just shrugged.
"Nothing much. I ate some salad, watched some Netflix, read a few books." You said. Gabriel chuckled.
"You're so different from me." He said, causing you to giggle as he poked your side.
"What's the saying? 'Opposites attract?'" You asked. Gabriel just rolled his eyes before his eyes darken and a frown reaches his beautiful lips. Your brows furrowed in concern and worry.
"Angel? What's the matter?" You asked. You were genuinely worried. It's been a while since you've seen him like this. He's always bubbly and hyper.
"Y/N, I honestly don't know how to say this. I knew it was never a myth, but-Y/N, I found my actual soulmate. She works at a coffee shop and her name is Emily. I have to be with her, Y/N. That's how God made us. I love you, a part of me always will. I'm so sorry." He said. You stared at him with a blank expression. It didn't hit you just yet, but when it did-it was like you had been hit with a bulldozer. Your heart shattered into billions of tiny little pieces. It was like he smashed it and threw away all the pieces and lit them on fire, turning your broken heart into dust. Tears spilled out of your eyes and fell down your cheeks. Gabriel just stared at you, no attempt to comfort you, with sadness. He didn't look hurt. It was like he knew you weren't his actual soulmate. He probably did.
"You already knew, huh? That I wasn't the right one. You just stayed for me, right?" You asked softly. You weren't angry. You were just hurt, torn apart. You always had a feeling, but ignored it because you were so in love with him. You stared at him, tears still cascading down your cheeks. He nodded and lifted his hand up to wipe your tears with his thumb, but you pushed his hand away.
"You should have told me, Gabriel. Ya know, before I got too attached." You whispered. He nodded again.
"Why aren't you mad?" He asked. You looked away.
"I always had a feeling, but I always ignored it because I was too in love with you. I'm not mad because I'm used to it. However, I don't think I've been this hurt before." You responded. He nodded before getting up. He placed a very thick (v thicc like meeeeee jk😂) envelope on the table before walking towards the door of your small apartment. He stopped and glanced back at you.
"That should be enough money for a few years. I am so sorry, Y/N." He said before walking out, leaving you forever. For a different girl that he was actually destined to be with. You just sat there, thoughts drowning you. You stared at the wall and started to wonder what it would be like if you just weren't alive anymore. All you do is get hurt, so what's the point in living?

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