#55 Gabe - I Want It To Be Over

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This was a request from LunaEclipseMoon. I hope you will like this one! This may be shorter than usual.

Y/N p.o.v:

"I was just trying to help you, Y/N!" Gabe says. You glare at him in pure anger.
"I could have dealt with the vampire alone. I'm a big girl, Gabriel! I don't need you hovering over me like I am 3 years old! I can handle myself. You never leave me alone!" You growl. Gabriel stares at you, offense and sadness clear in his whiskey colored eyes.
"If I'm such a problem to you, then I think me leaving is the best choice." Gabe said in a low voice. You were slightly hurt by that, but didn't deny it.
"Yeah. I think it is." You agreed. You saw only pain and sadness in his eyes. Then, he was no longer standing in front of you. You felt a ping in your chest. You suddenly had a horrible thought.

What if he never comes back?

~3 months later~

You had moved out of the bunker and bought your own apartment so Sam and Dean wouldn't have to worry about you. You haven't gone on a single hunt since Gabe left. You haven't been eating at all lately. In fact, all you do is go to work. You don't sleep because of the nightmares that haunt you of the night Gabriel left you. You were currently staring at your TV, not even really watching it when suddenly your phone started to ring. You grab it and answer it, not even looking to see who I was.
"Hello?" You say in a quiet voice. You heard someone clear their throat.
"Y/N? Hey, it's Sam. Just checking up on you." They said.
"I'm fine, Sam. Doing good. Just got done eating some salad." You lied. Sam chuckled.
"It's like you're turning into me. Anyway, Dean was getting worried and he forced me to call you." He said. You forced a laugh.
"Well, tell him I'm okay." You said.
"Okay. Will do. Bye, Y/N." Sam said.
"Bye, Sam." You replied and then ended the call. You set your phone down and then continued to stare at your TV. You didn't know how long you had been staring at your it, not even watching it because you heard a banging on your door instead of the usual polite knocking. You get up silently and walk towards your apartment door. You open it and gasp. There, standing right in front of you, was the person you longed for.
"Gabriel." You breathed out. You saw too many emotions sweep across is beautiful face.
"Y/N? Is that you?" He asks. You nod with a small smile, but then, it suddenly goes away and you get angry again.
"You left me! Just because I was pissed off doesn't mean you should have left me!" You scream. You try to push him away, but he grabs your wrists and forces you to look at him.
"I want it to be over! This fighting! I'm tired of it! I know I shouldn't have left you. Even if you were mad, but I was hurt! Ugh, even thats no excuse." He says. You ignore him and rip your wrists from his grasp, only to wrap your arms around him, sobbing. You missed him so much.
"D-Don't ever leav-ve me again." You sob. Gabe copies you, wrapping his arms around you. He squeezes you gently.
"I won't. I promise you." Gabe says. He picks you up and walks inside, closing your door. He stared at you with a small smile.
"I think its time you finally eat." He whispers. You look away sheepishly.
"I didn't find the need to eat when I moved out of the bunker after you left." You say quietly.
"Well, now you do." He says. You look at him and see that he's holding 3 chocolate bars and a few suckers. You laugh and then kiss him. Gabe kisses back after a second of hesitance. You break away to breathe.
"I love you, Gabriel." You whisper. You hear a chuckle.
"Yeah, I know. I love you, too, Y/N." He whispers back.


I hope this is was good....

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