#2 Sam - Nightmare

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Y/N p.o.v:

~your dream~

You were being tortured by a woman who was possessed by a demon. She dragged the knife around your collar bone. You didn't let out a scream, not wanting to give her the satisfaction of your pain.
"Tell me where the Winchesters are, Y/N, and I'll let you live." The demon said. You scoffed.
"I'd rather die." You growled. The demon smirked. She stabbed you in the thigh. You grunted at the pain, but didn't scream. The demon continued to torture you when the door to the warehouse swung open. Sam and Dean ran in. The demon turned around, her smirk turned into a full on grin.
"Sam! Dean! You finally made it!" She said. She stuck the knife in your calf before stalking towards the boys. You saw the gun she held behind her. You couldn't warn Sam or Dean because the demon put a rag in your mouth. You secretly started to untie the rope that held your hands together.
"Yeah. We did. What do you want from us?" Dean asked.
"I want you dead. It's quite simple." The demon answered with a chuckle. You finished untying the rope and proceeded to untie the rope around your legs. Just as you got done you heard the boys fighting the demon. You looked up as soon as you heard the first gunshot. You stood up and ran to the demon. You tackled her, but not before she took another shot. You heard Sam cry out. You started to beat the shit out of the demon while waiting for Dean to help you out. The demon punched you in the jaw. Then you saw the demon flash a yellowish-orange. You scrambled up and saw Dean kneeling by the demon, breathing hard. You ran to Sam and fell to your knees.
"Sam! Hey, you're okay. You're okay. We'll get you to the hospital. You'll be okay. It's okay." You said while caressing his cheek. Sam grabbed your wrist, stopping you.
"N-no. I w-wont make it. Y-y/n, I won't m-make it. Just know t-that I love y-you." He choked out. Tears ran down your cheeks.
"No, Sam, stop. Shut up! You will make it. You will!" You yelled. He shook his and then coughed, blood coming out as well.
"I-I love y-you." Sam choked out before taking his last breath.
"NO! SAM!" You screamed.

~dream over~

You sat up instantly. You felt the tears cascading down your hot cheeks. You were sweating and taking short, shallow breaths. You've been having this dream for months now. It was your worst nightmare. You jumped as you felt something, or well, someone, touch your shoulder. You looked to your left and saw that it was only Sam.
"Hey, what's wrong? Are you okay?" He said softly. You shoved your head into his chest and sobbed.
"It's okay. Y/N, it was only a dream. I promise." He whispered. Your sobs turned into sniffles after a few minutes.
"Don't ever leave me, Sam." You said in a broken whisper.
"Don't worry, Y/N, I won't. Want to talk about what the dream was about?" He asked. You nodded.
"A demon killed you. I couldn't do anything. I couldn't save you or anything! This has been a reoccurring dream for months and it won't go away." You explain. Sam rubbed your back.
"I won't ever leave you, Y/N. Ever. Not even death can keep us apart." He promised. You nodded. Sam brought you into his arms, kissing your forehead
"I love you." You whispered.
"I love you, too." He whispered back. He brought your chin up with his finger and lightly pressed his lips to yours. You broke away and pressed you face into his chest, drifting off into a dreamless slumber.


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