#54 Cas - Stop Doing This To Yourself

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Y/N p.o.v:

You were drinking your problems away once again. You got 2 kids killed a few weeks ago because of a stupid mistake you made. You were depressed and couldn't find the need to hunt when all you would to is mess up. You just got done with your 5th beer. You groaned quietly because beer just wasn't cutting it for you.
"Can I get some whiskey?" You asked. The female bartender smiled.
"'Course, hun." She responded. She got a small glass for you and poured in the whiskey. She slid it over to you and then walked away. You thought about just downing it, but thought better of it and took your time sipping it. You called over the bartender once you finished the small glass of whiskey. She walked over with a smile on her makeup caked face.
"More already?" She asked. You faked a smile and nodded.
"Yeah, but do you think I could get a bigger glass. This tiny cup just ain't doing it for me." You said. The bartender nodded and got out a much bigger sized whiskey cup. She filled it and then gave it to you.
"Thanks." You said. The bartender smiled and nodded.
"No problem. Just call me over if you need more." She said and then left.

~hours after~

You were extremely drunk. Not tipsy, but wasted. You were a giggling mess. A man came in and sat next to you earlier and now you were both just laughing hysterically. Suddenly, you heard a flutter of wings. You looked your your left and saw Cas.
"Cas! Hi, bud!" You said enthusiastically. Cas frowned at you.
"Stop doing this, Y/N. It will kill you. You can't just keep drinking your problems away. You need to talk to someone about it." Cas said. You looked at him funny.
"You're silly, Cassy. Superduper silly!" You giggled. Cas sighed and grabbed your arm. All of a sudden, you were in your room. Cas was still holding your arm when you tried to reach for the hidden stash of booze.
"No, Y/N. Stop." Cas whispered and pulled you close. It was like your wall crumbled; crumbled into little pieces and was blown away. You felt tears run down your cheeks like raindrops on a window. Cas saw them and wrapped his arms around you, swallowing you in his trenchcoat.
"I got them killed, Castiel! It's my fault. All my fucking fault! I can't do one good fucking thing because it just turns to shit! Why can't I be good enough, Cas?! Why!?" You sobbed into his very warm chest.
"Shh, Y/N. It wasn't your fault. Mistakes happen. I've made mistakes and they hurt many many people. Those kids are in heaven with their parents now. They're happy. Don't let this destroy you. You are better than this. I know it hurts and feels like all you do is screw things up and fail, but, Y/N, that isn't true! None of it is. You make mistakes. You're human. All humans make mistakes. I'm not human, yet I make mistakes. Everyone fails once in a while. So please. Stop doing this to yourself." Cas said. You just cried into Cas's chest. He was right. You realized that now, but it was still your fault. It would always be your fault, mistake or not.
"I'm sorry, Cas." You whispered. Cas just shushed you.
"Don't apologize, Y/N. I love you and will always be here for you. Always." He said. You buried your face into his chest.
"I love you too, Cas." You responded.


Ugh, I am so sorry for this being so horrible and so short, but I had to get it done.

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