#32 BSM - Part 1: The Truth

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Request from @Nala_Dragneelx777. I hope this is what you asked for! This will definitely be a much longer imagine. I'm hoping to have less than at least 2,000 words.

You're 13

Y/N p.o.v:

You stared out the impala window in sadness. You and your brothers, Sam and Dean Winchester, had to move once again. Moving was hard for you. Kids were mean to you at school; especially since you were new. Your brothers never told you why you guys had to move so much. You'd only be at a school for a few weeks. Sometimes only for a few days. You hated it. You were picked on and never made friends.
"Y/N, you okay?" Sam asked.
"I'm fine. Thank you for asking though." You said. You were lying. You weren't fine. You weren't even remotely close to being okay.
"Okay, but if you need to talk about anything-" You interrupted Sam. You turned your head and glared at your big brother.
"You're here for me. Yes, Sam, I know. Just stop asking. Okay? Thank you." You said and then went back to staring out of the window. Sam didn't respond. You heard one of your brothers clear his throat. It sounded like Dean. Well, this should be good.
"Sam is only trying to help, Y/N. Stop being a bitch. In fact, how about you just shut the hell up completely." He growled. It hurt that Dean said that about and to you, but you knew he never wanted a sister. John was your father, yes, but Mary, Sam and Dean's mother, was not your biological mom. John had a one night stand with your mom a long time ago, but that was when he was alive. He didn't know about you though. However, when your mother died, you were to find him, but he had passed. So, instead, you had to be looked after by your 2 big brothers. You found them around age 10 and have been with Sam and Dean ever since. Dean didn't like you though. He never showed that he cared. Sam tried to get you to open up and he acted like he cared about you, but you knew the truth. You were just a burden to both of them. Specifically Dean. You didn't talk for the rest of the ride, so soon enough, you fell asleep.

~few hours later~

You woke up to someone carrying you. Your eyes shot open and you immediately started to panic. It was dark, so you couldn't see who was holding you. You squirmed, trying to get out of their grip, but they wouldn't let you go.
"Y/N, calm down! It's only me!" A familiar voice said. You sighed and calmed down a bit, but struggled to get out of his grip.
"Put me down!" You mumbled. You heard Sam sigh, but put you down. You looked around at your surroundings and saw that you were at yet another motel. Great.
"What room?" You asked.
"Room 402." Dean said. It made you jump slightly considering that you didn't know he was behind you. You looked at each room number until you found the right one. The door was open, so you didn't have to ask for the key. You walked in and went straight to the couch. Sam always offered you to sleep with him (not in a dirty way), but you always declined. You didn't want him to know that you cried yourself to sleep at night once he and Dean were asleep. You sat down on the uncomfortable couch and looked up at Dean, who was walking in.
"I start school tomorrow?" You asked softly. Dean looked at you and nodded.
"Yep. Starts at 8:15. Don't be late. School's only 'bout a mile away." He said. You looked away and nodded slightly.
"Okay, Dean." You whispered. You looked around the room until you saw your bag by the table. You got up and grabbed it. You walked into the bathroom and shut the door. You took a deep breath.
"You'll be okay. Don't listen to what the kids have to say. Keep your wall up and keep to yourself. No one can hurt you then." You whispered to yourself. You stripped our of your clothes and then dug into your bag to get out your sweatpants and T-shirt. You pulled on the clothes and then stuffed the ones you had been wearing in your bag. You opened the door and walked out. You sat back down on the old, torn, uncomfortable couch. You placed your bag beside the couch and then lied down.
"Goodnight, Y/N." Sam said. You didn't answer. You just waited until Sam and Dean went to sleep so you could cry yourself to sleep.

~later that night~

Castiel's p.o.v:

I flew to the motel Sam, Dean, and Y/N were in. I landed in between Sam and Dean's bed. I lightly touched Dean knowing that it would wake him up. He jolted up and pointed his gun at me. Once he recognized that I was not an intruder, he lowered the gun.
"Dammit, Cas." He whispered angrily.
"I apologize, Dean, but I have something important to talk to you about." I said. Dean glared at me in the dark.
"It couldn't have waited until later?" He asked. I shook my head.
"No. It is really important. It's about the school Y/N will be attending to tomorrow. It has people- kids there that will hurt her. Verbally and physically. She's already been hurt like that in the past. As her guardian angel, it's my duty to protect her. I failed in the past, but I can't let this happen now. Plus, she has the right to know what you and Sam do. Especially why you guys have to keep moving. After you and Sam fall asleep, she cries, Dean. She cries and I don't want her to continue to be in pain. It hurts me, too, Dean." I said. Dean stared at me speechless. He didn't say anything before taking a deep breath.
"She's been bullied? She will get bullied? She cries herself to sleep? Cas, why didn't you ever tell me this? Why didn't she tell me this?" He asked. I sighed.
"I never told you because it's not my place to tell. She doesn't tell you because she thinks you hate her, Dean. That both you and Sam don't care about her. You call her a bitch when she doesn't want to talk about things and gets angry when Sam keeps asking. You don't know how she feels, Dean. She's like you in a way. Always bottling everything up." I told him. Dean rubbed his face in frustration.
"I feel like a dick now." He said softly. I placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Do the right thing and tell her. She has a right to know." I said and then flew away.

Y/N p.o.v:

You woke up to someone shaking me. You groaned and sat up. You looked up and saw a figure. It was Dean. Although it was dark, you could tell that it wasn't Sam because he didn't have short hair.
"Is something wrong? Did I do something?" You asked. Dean turned on a lamp and looked at you regretfully. You were getting suspicious. This couldn't have been Dean. Dean didn't care about you. He never showed affection towards you. He never looked at you the way he is now.
"I'm sorry I have been a dick to you since we've taken you in, Y/N. I have no excuse as to why I had been a dick, but I know now that I should be a hell of a lot better brother. I also have to tell you why we always move." He said. You didn't believe a single word that spilled out of his mouth. He was lying. You arched an eyebrow.
"Are you okay? You aren't acting like yourself." You said. Dean rolled his eyes.
"I'm not lying, Y/N. I swear to God." He responded. You narrowed your eyes.
"So what if you're not lying? Why do we always have to move?" You asked. Your brother sighed.
"I'm telling you now that I am 100% telling the truth. You can think I'm lying, but I'm not. I'll show you I'm not too. Okay, well, we keep moving because me and Sam work cases. Like monster cases. Demons, shapeshifters, vampires, werewolves, ect. All of them. Right now, Sam and I are trying to protect you from demons. They want you dead. Mostly because Sam and I started the apocalypse. Yes, that's real. If you-" You held up a hand, causing him to stop talking. You stared at Dean with sorrow.
"Do you know what killed my mom?" You asked softly. You hated talking about your mom, but you wanted to know what happened to her. Dean looked down and cleared his throat.
"Demons killed her." Dean responded. You nodded. You believed your big brother. It was hard to, but you did.
"I am so sorry, Y/N. For being such a shit brother and for always calling you a bitch when I didn't know what you were going through. Yes, I know about you being bullied. You shouldn't keep that to yourself. Don't be like me and bottle it up. It isn't healthy." Dean said. You sighed.
"I've always been like that. Always been bullied too. I've never been normal. I knew I was different from the moment I first got bullied. I keep everything in and don't open up because that's how I deal with crap. It's easier for me. I do have days where it all gets to me, but I know how to deal with those days. So I'm fine. I'm fine, Dean, so don't worry." You replied. Your brother sighed.
"Okay, but you aren't going to school anymore. Sam can home school you. Get some sleep, Y/N. It's late." He said. You nodded. You watched as Dean walked away and back to his bed.
"Night, Dean." You whispered.
"G'night, Y/N." Your brother responded. It was good to know the truth. Maybe you would open up to your brothers more. Maybe this life would be better than the one before.


If this was not what you wanted, I will rewrite it to your expectations

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