#26 Cas - Part 3: Singing In A Prayer

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Y/N p.o.v:

You, Sam, and Dean were all on your way to Cheyenne, Kansas to go hunt down whatever was killing innocent people. You guys were halfway there when you heard a flutter of wings. You looked to your left and saw Cas.
"Sam. Dean. I can- Y/N?" He said in shock. You and him shared eye contact before you looked away in anger and sadness looked away.
"Uh, I think it's best if you leave, Cas. Y/N is a little upset with you." Sam said. You heard Cas sigh.
"I know she is." He said sadly and then he disappeared with a woosh. You thought you were over the crying, but apparently not. You felt a tear slip down your face as you looked out the window. You wiped it away.
"So Cas drops everything just to help you on hunts?" You said in a quiet voice. You heard Dean clear his through.
"Uh, yeah, I suppose he does." He said. You just nod.
"Okay." You said inaudibly. Soon, you arrived at the motel. Sam and Dean got out and went to go check in. When they came back. You got out and got your stuff. Sam and Dean got there's and then walked to the room.
"I call a bed alone!" Sam yells. You roll your eyes and punch him lightly.
"I'm not that bad, Sam." You tell him. He raises an eyebrow.
"You clearly do not know what you do to someone else while they are in the same bed as you. You have left bruises on my body worse than I have gotten from a monster. You're pretty bad, Y/N." He said. You scoff.
"You're overreacting!" You say. Sam chuckles.
"Whatever, Shorty." Sam responds. After you were all settled in, Sam and Dean said they would go check out the murders. They insisted that you come, but you just said that you would rather stay and keep researching. They left shortly after and thats when you got out your small ukulele. You tuned it and then started to play.
"I can see you walkin' out. I'm not tryna believe it. There's no way that this can be for real. I'm dreamin'. I can see the water in your eyes. You don't have to do this. There has got to be a better way, I know it." You trilled.
"Back up the day now. What did I do to get us to this point. Me losing you in this moment. I feel it deep in my chest. I can't breathe." You just wanted your best friend to care about you again. You wanted Cas back. You wanted him home.
"I can't let go! Broken, yet holding on. To you, to us. This love is too strong for me to let go. Broken, yet holding on." You were hurt. So hurt by how Cas would rather help Sam and Dean, than help you. You get that sometimes they will need help, but not on every single hunt.
"Afraid everything is over now. The rain cloud is passing. Still, I'm tryna wonder how I lost you. Are you really over me? You said so, don't believe it. You are where I wanna be. I love you." You never thought about how you felt about Cas until now. Maybe you did have feelings for him. He was always there for you. Always.
"Back up the day now. What did I do to get us to this point. Me losing you in this moment. I feel it deep in my chest. I can't breathe." You missed Cas. You missed him coming to you in the middle of the night just to calm you down from a nightmare. You missed his disheveled hair. You missed his blue eyes. You missed Cas.
"I can't let go! Broken, yet holding on. To you, to us. This love is too strong for me to let go. Broken, yet holding on." You sang.
"I can't let go! Broken, yet holding on. To you, to us. This love is too strong for me to let go. Broken, yet holding on." You wanted Cas to come back. You wanted him. You wanted him home.
"We said we'll never give up. In hard times, when we hit bottom. We'll try to find the broken pieces of love. Pieces of love. Ooh oohh!" You felt tears fall down your cheeks. You loved Cas. You loved him and he left you. Alone and hurt.
"I can't let go! Broken, yet holding on. To you, to us. This love is too strong for me to let go. Broken, yet holding on." You chorused.
"I can't let go! Broken, yet holding on. To you, to us. This love is too strong for me to let go. Broken, yet holding on. Holding on." You thought you heard a flutter of wings, but ignored it. You strummed the last chords and then set the ukulele. You wiped away your tears and sniffed. You stood up and froze.
"Hello, Y/N." Cas greeted gruffly. You felt a ping in your chest. You furrowed your brows.
"Wha-What are you doing here, Cas?" You asked nervously. You hoped Cas didn't pop in when you were singing.
"I think I should apologize to you for not being there for you when you needed me. I just had work to do in heaven and I had to help the Winchesters." He said. You looked away.
"You could have still been there for me, but its okay, Cas. I'm used to it now." You whispered. You didn't look up so you couldn't see how much those last 5 words hurt him. He had been gone for so long, he hadn't noticed the pain it left you in.
"Y/N, I apologize for what I did to you. There are no words to describe how sorry I am. How much I feel bad for hurting you." Cas said. You walked towards him with a smile. You wrapped your arms around him and rested your head on his chest.
"I forgive you, Cas." You whispered. Cas sighed in a happy tone.
"I love you, Y/N. I always have. Ever since I met you, there was always this thing about you." He confessed. You looked up at him with a bigger smile.
"Then it is a very good thing that the feeling is mutual." You told him and with that, you pressed your lips to his.


Oh lord, how did I do? How bad was it?

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