#60 Cas - Regrets

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Request from @abby1502. I hope this is what you wanted!

You're Sam and Dean's little sister. Same father, different mother. Cas is your best friend.

Y/N p.o.v:

"How could you be so stupid, Y/N?!" Cas yelled. You scoffed. You almost got yourself killed on a hunt. Cas had to help you because your brothers were busy with a different hunt and didn't like the thought of you hunting alone, so they had Cas help you. You screwed up by missing the shot to kill the werewolf. You had been caught off guard because of a child you saw hiding in the closet. The door was cracked slightly and you saw the little boy cowering. He looked terrified. You ran to him, but the werewolf caught you and threw you to the ground. The rest doesn't really need explained. Cas saved your ass and you both took the boy to a hospital, came home, and now Cas just had to start yelling.
"I was amidst a panic and saw the little boy, okay?! Don't act like you haven't screwed up on hunts before! You've made worse mistakes than I have!" You screamed. Cas's eyes went dark and in a split second, your head jerked to the left. You suddenly had hundreds of flashbacks to when your dad would hit you, not John, but the father that raised you. When you did something wrong, he'd slap or punch you. Sometimes if you really pissed him off, he'd kick you. You looked up at Cas with tears in your eyes. You turned and ran down the hall to your room. You quickly ran in and closed the door. You locked it and grabbed your spray paint (you had it from putting up demon traps) and started to spray on angel sigils that would keep Cas away. You didn't want Cas to pop up in here. Once you were done, you sat on your bed and let out loud, deep sobs. You were close to a panic attack. Cas hit you. Cas hit you. You thought he never would, but obviously, you were wrong. You gasped for air. You couldn't breathe. You got up, shakily, and stumbled over to your nightstand to grab your phone. You needed Sam. You got to the nightstand and grabbed your phone. You opened it and dialed Sam's number. He answered on the 4th ring.
"Y/N! I was just-" You let out a sob.
"Sammy." You cried breathlessly. You heard shuffling and then heard Sam clear his throat. You knew that he put you on speaker. Dean was going to kill Cas.
"What happened?" He asked calmly. You tried to take a deep breath to calm yourself, but it wasn't working. You started to gasp.
"Okay, okay. Y/N, I want you to breathe in for 3 and then out for 3, okay? Come on. Do it with me." He said. You heard him start to breathe in. You copied him. You counted to 3 and then let out for 3; just like he said. You did this with Sam many times before finally calming down.
"Okay, now can you tell me what happened?" He asked softly. You took another deep breath. Tears still cascaded down your face.
"He hit me, Sammy. He hit me." You whispered.
"Who did, Y/N?" Sam asked. You sucked in sharply before letting the breath out.
"Cas. He hit me." You said quietly.
"What?!" Dean asked. He sounded like he was trying to keep his cool. You were getting kinda scared now.
"I'm going murder that son of bitch!" Dean yelled. You flinched and whimpered. You heard Sam scold Dean. You didn't wanna talk anymore, so you ended the call. You threw your phone across your room and crawled on your bed. You got underneath the covers and cried yourself to sleep.

Sam's p.o.v:

I heard the beep, meaning Y/N ended the call. I kept a straight face and looked at Dean. Dean looked like he was about to go on a murder spree, which was probably what he was thinking.
"You need to summon Cas, Dean, he usually comes when you call. Remember: you're summoning Cas, not to kill him, but to find out what the hell he was thinking when he hit Y/N." I said calmly. Dean took a deep breath, trying to be as calm as me. He was doing an okay job so far.
"Yeah. Okay, I'll do that." He responded while nodding. I watched as Dean looked down.
"Alright, Cas. I know you can hear me you son of bitch. Get your feathery ass down here and explain to me and Sam as to why the hell you hit Y/N. You better be quick you dick." He growled. Dean and I waited for a few seconds before a fluttering sound filled the room. I looked around and saw Cas standing by the door looking and probably feeling ashamed.
"Hello, Dean. Sam." He said gruffly. Cas sounded extremely guilty. I glared at him. Dean walked up to Cas and then pulled his arm back, hand forming into a fist. In a blink of an eye, his arm snapped forward and Cas's head flung to the left.
"I deserved that and more." Cas whispered. I could tell easily that Dean wanted to do more, but kept his temper tamed.
"What the hell, Cas?!" I yelled. Cas sighed.
"I was mad, but that's no excuse. I felt terribly guilty the moment it happened. I feel horrible and I hate myself tremendously. It was irrational and unacceptable. I apologize." He said. I scoffed.
"Don't apologize to us you poor son of a bitch! Apologize to Y/N!" I yelled.
"I want to. I really do, but she has put up angel sigils in her room, which stop me from making amends." Cas said. I took a deep breath.
"Okay. Fly us to the bunker and we'll try and get her to come out of her room." I demanded. Cas nodded and then placed 2 fingers to both mine and Dean's forehead. We appeared in the library.
"Y/N?!" Dean yelled. I rolled my eyes at Dean. I knew Y/N and when she wants to forget something, she sleeps. I ran down the hallway and to her room. I bent down to the door lock and picked it. I heard the click and then opened the door. I heard footsteps behind me, meaning Dean was following me. I walked into Y/N's room, turning on her light, and to her bed. I saw as she shifted and heard her small groan of annoyance. Y/N sat up with a glare and aimed it towards me as I walked closer.
"What the hell, Sam?" She grumbled. I laughed softly as I sat next to her on the side of her bed.
"Let me see your face. Which side did Cas hit you?" I asked. Y/N stopped glaring and her eyes immediately had fear in them. She looked towards the open door, I did too, and saw Dean standing there with Cas behind him. Dean wasn't going to let Cas through. It was evident in the way he saw how Y/N reacted. I looked back at Y/N and placed a hand on her leg.
"Y/N. Bug, Cas has something to tell you." I said softly. I was trying to sound calming and it seemed to work.

Y/N p.o.v:

You calmed down a little at how soothing your big brothers voice was. You took a deep breath before getting out of your bed and go to every spot you had placed and angel sigil. Once you broke all of them you nodded to Dean, signaling that it was okay for Cas to come in.
"Hurt her again and you won't see the light a of day again, got it?" You heard Dean threaten. You hear Cas mumble a 'Yes, Dean.'
"Sam, Dean, you can leave. I'll be okay. On your way out, close the door. I'll yell if I need you." You said. Your brothers started to protest, but you gave them both a look that said 'leave or I'll rip both of your dicks off' so they stopped complaining. You watched your brothers leave and Cas walk in. Sam closed the door with a glare at Cas. Now it was only you and the angel.
"Y/N, I am so so sorry. I feel horrible. What I did was irrational and unacceptable. I saw the memories to through you head and it made me feel 100x more worse. I can't begin to describe how sorry and terrible I feel. Y/N-" You stopped Cas by hugging him.
"I forgive you, Cas. Yes, you hurt me, but I forgive you because I know you didn't mean it." You whisper. Cas hugs back, you could sense his awkwardness, but you knew that he meant well.
"I don't deserve forgiveness for what I did, but thank you." Cas said quietly. You squeezed him comfortingly.
"You do, Cas. You know I'm not the one to hold grudges." You said. Cas chuckled before kissing your forehead.
"You are such an amazing human, Y/N. Thank you for being my best friend." Cas replied. You let him go and looked at him.
"Same to you, Cas. Now, when are you going to tell Dean your feelings for him?" You asked with a smirk. You laughed as you saw Cas's cheeks start to tint pink. This should be fun to put them together.


If this was not what you had in mind, I will rewrite it to your expectations.

Slight bit of some Destiel towards the end.

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