#58 Dean - Part 2: Insanity

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Request for tindog12. I hope this is what you asked for! (Sorry for the very... Very.. Very long wait..)

Y/N p.o.v:


"Oh, no, no, I think you did the right thing. Um, hey, listen- since you've been staying here, uh, a lot, uh, have you noticed any strange- sounds, smells, uh, cold spots?" You asked. The man looked at you strangely.
"What? Uh, no. Why?"


You smiled and waved it off.
"Oh, just routine questions. Um, what about enemies? Harold have any enemies?" You asked. Arthur cleared his throat.
"Actually, he had quite a few." He said. You nodded and saw that Sam was walking towards another room. You smiled at Arthur.
"I'll just go look at some more rooms, okay? Good." You said and then walked towards Sam. You caught up with Sam and you both walked into the other room. It had also been disheveled and Sam's EMF was whining. You saw a dresser and opened one of the drawers. Pill bottles rattle. You look at Sam, confused, and then back down.
"What the hell?" You ask yourself.

~in the dining~

You drop several prescription pill bottles onto a folder that Dean has opened on a table in the dining hall.
"Turns out Harold was stealing the other residents' Viagra." You said. Dean nods.
"I know. A real dick move, huh?" He said with a chuckle. You roll your eyes and smile slightly.
"So Sam got an EMF hit in his room, but he got an EMF hit on pretty much every floor in the building. How many people died in this place?" You asked. Dean cleared his throat.
"Arthur, the, uh, heartbroken manager, he gave me access to all the residents' files. This is everyone who has passed here. Now, uh, this guy, Jake Townsend, had beef with Harold, but it wasn't over blue pills." Dean said as he picked up the folder and handed it to you, so you and Sam could look at it. You opened the folder and Sam made a sound of surprise.
"Whoa. Jake filed a formal complaint against Harold?" Sam asked. You looked up at Dean with a raised eyebrow as he nodded.
"Yeah. Apparently, Harold was stealing his pension checks and cashing them for himself. Now, when Jake died, his family filed a civil suit against Harold, but it just got caught up in the courts and never went to trial." Dean responded. You looked back down and nodded slowly.
"So maybe Jake stuck around as a vengeful spirit; took matters into his own hands." You said with a shrug. Dean nodded with a face that read 'maybe.' You looked at Sam and he looked at you before looking at his brother.
"All right. So where's Jake Townsend buried?" He asked.

~at the graveyard digging up graves~

You watched, sitting on the edge holding a flashlight, Sam and Dean we're standing in the grave that they were digging up. Dean climbed out and sat next to you to take a sip of his beer. Sam looks up at Dean with a glare.
"Dude?" He asks. Dean looks down at his little brother.
"Hmm?" He hums. Then it hits him.
"Oh, you got this. You got it. You're doing great." Dean encourages. You roll your eyes and stifle a chuckle. You shove the flashlight into Dean's hands and hop into the hole.
"I'll help you, Sam, since your dick of a brother won't." You said. You saw Sam smile at you.
"Thanks, Y/N." He responded. You looked at Dean from the corner of your eye and saw him roll his eyes. You grabbed a shovel and started to shovel the dirt. You grunted as you put all your force and body weight into it.
"So no retirement, huh?" Dean asked. You sighed and stopped shoveling to look at Dean.
"Hey, you're the one who's always wanted to go out blaze of glory style preferably while the Bon Jovi song is playing." You responded. Dean nodded.
"I'm a candle in the wind." He said. You rolled your eyes and then continued to shovel with Sam. You knew he was shut you and Dean out while you both talk. That's what Sam does when you and Dean have serious little talks like this.
"Yeah, but the way you said it - it was like that blaze of glory was gonna happen sooner rather than later." Dean said. He sounded concerned. You didn't say anything. You pretended to be preoccupied by shoveling the dirt.
"Are you okay?" Dean asked. You stop shoveling once again to look at your boyfriend.
"No.I'm not, actually. Not at all." You said. Dean's brows furrow.
"Being so close to Lucifer again - that brought stuff up. Stuff I thought I forgot about." You said. You watched Dean look at you with sympathy.
"You want to talk about it?" He asked. You shook your head sharply.
"No." You said curtly. Dean sighed and leaned in and grabbed your hand, pulling you close.
"Well, look. Lucifer is never getting out of that cage; ever. And you are never going back; period. So case closed." Dean said. You sighed and nodded. You moved away from him. You drove the shovel into the dirt once again. It clanked as it hits the top of the casket.
"And so is this one." Dean says. You rolled your eyes and then opened the casket.

~3 hours later (now)~

It hadn't been a ghost. It was a Banshee. You had been so stupid!

Back to Dean's p.o.v:

"Sammy! Y/N! Watch out!" I screamed as a banshee flew towards them. I watched as the love of my life and my little brother screamed. At that moment, I knew it had picked them. They could hear the piercing scream of the monster. Sam and Y/N dropped their gold daggers and collapsed to the ground while covering their ears. Sam and Y/N then reached for the dagger and I knew what they were going to do.
"Y/N, Sam, no!" I yelled. The banshee screeched at me and came at me.
"Son of a bitch!" Was the last thing I yelled before turning and running away. I heard Sam and Y/N screams cut out and I felt my heart stop. I gripped my gold dagger tight and turned to the Banshee which was still coming towards me. I ran at it and then stabbed it. I watched as it died and then looked at my brother and Y/N. They had both stabbed themselves. It was my fault. I could have prevented this. I walked to their limp bodies slowly.
"It's all my fault. I'm sorry." I whispered.

~months later~

I couldn't eat. I couldn't sleep. All I did was sit in the bunker and stare at the wall. Cas was MIA and Sam and Y/N were dead. I had no one. I get everyone I love killed. Or worse. (Expelled. I am not sorry.) It was driving me crazy. I saw them everywhere, but the silence that was there was killing me. I couldn't hear Y/N's adorable laugh anymore or Sam's snarky comments. I wouldn't be able to see my beautiful Y/M's perfect body or Sam's stupidly long hair anymore. Insane is what this made me. Insanity was all that was there. I couldn't do it anymore. The guilt, the pain, the suffering - it was all just too much. Too much for me to handle. I got up and walked to my room. I walked in and went to my bed. I reached under my pillow and grabbed my gun. I pulled it out and raised to my head. I knew it was loaded. It was always loaded. Tears welded up and cascaded down my cheeks.
"I'm sorry." I whispered and then pulled the gun. Insanity kills.


Ugh this was friggin awful! I will totally rewrite this if u want!

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