#75 DDM: Bobby - Who Are You?

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Request for @MicMouse123. I hope this is what you wanted!

Y/N p.o.v:

"Why won't you just let me hunt?" You asked your dad, who was Bobby Singer.
"Because I don't want you to get hurt!" He replied. Bobby was your biological father, but his first wife was not your mother. Bobby had a one night stand and then 9 months later, here you are. You have your fathers last name because your mom wanted you to have something of your fathers. Your mother took care of you for a while, but then demons got her, asking her where Bobby was. They killed her because she had no idea. You managed to get away and find him.
"They're just demons, Dad! Demons! Easy bastards to kill!" You yelled. Your fathers face turned slightly dark.
"You wanna end up like your mom? Huh? Is that what you want, Y/N?!" He asked you. You anger flared, reaching it peak.
"You know nothing about my mother, Bobby Singer! She was a better parent than you could ever be!" You screamed. Tears were cascading down your cheeks.
"Maybe this is why I never wanted to have children! They're greedy little monsters! They don't care about anyone, but themselves! And that's just what you are!" He screamed back. Your anger dropped like a weight you couldn't hold. You ran out of the living room and up to your room. You slammed it and locked the padlock and regular lock. You got out your duffle bag and started to shove your clothes in it. You got the weapons Bobby got you and shoved them in there too. You zipped up the bag and then opened your window. You threw your bag over your shoulder and then climbed out the window and jumped. It wasn't a long fall really. You grunted as you hit the ground. You looked through the window in the living room saw Bobby pacing around. You glared at him before turning and running away; far, far away.

~months later~

You were currently sitting in a motel, researching for a case you found. You have been on many cases since you left Bobby. You got a new phone and got a car. You changed you look. If you ever came across Bobby or the Winchesters, you didn't want them to recognize you. Suddenly, there was clicking. You looked towards the door and saw the knob move a little. You closed your laptop and ran to go hide in the closet. You heard that door open and voices carry through the room. It sounded like Sam and Dean.
'Fuck. This won't be good.' You thought. You grabbed your gun and loaded it quickly and quietly. You grabbed your other gun and loaded that one too.
"Sam, did you hear that?" A gruff voice asked. Yep. It was Sam and Dean. Well, you're screwed.
"Yeah. I think it came from over there." Sam responded. You heard quiet footsteps walk over towards you. You raised your gun. The closet door flew open and you immediately knocked the guns out of Sam and Deans hands. You pointed both guns at the brothers. They both raised their hands in the air.
"What do you want?" You asked ruthlessly. You walked forward, making them walk backwards.
"We just wanted to talk. We know who you are." Sam said. You laughed emotionlessly.
"Yeah and I know who you guys are. So what? I'm Y/N Singer. Woopty fucking doo. Why do you want to talk? I've got work to do." You said. You put your guns on safety and then set them down.
"Y/N, Bobby has been in really bad shape since you ran away. He regrets everything he said." Sam said. You laughed in disbelief.
"Bobby? Bobby Singer regretting what he said? Yeah. That's not like him. If you knew him- the real him- that he doesn't regret anything. Bobby Singer is a man who has truth to his word. And if I'm just a greedy little monster that doesn't care about anyone but themselves, then that's what I am." You told Sam. Dean grabbed the lamp and threw it against the wall. You didn't even flinch, but Sam did.
"Bobby needs you, you son of a bitch! He won't friggen eat or sleep! He's drinking his goddamn life away, Y/N! Soon enough he's going to kill himself!" Dean screamed. You didn't let that affect you. You stared coldly at him.
"Bobby doesn't need anyone. Especially me. If he knew what was good for him, he'd of come and got me himself. He never cared. If he kills himself, that's on him. Not me." You sneered. (This makes me sad writing this because I know no one would say this especially out of anger, but for the sake of the imagine, its gonna be in here..) Sam and Dean looked taken aback.
"Who are you? Who have you become?" Sam asked softly. You showed no emotion.
"The cold hearted bitch who takes no shit from anyone. The emotionless, ruthless, unsympathetic girl. I don't care about anyone. Not even myself." You told them. Sam and Dean looked at each other and then at you.
"Y/N, stop. Stop with the walls. Talk to us. You need to unlock the door to everything that you're holding back. We love you, we care. Bobby loves and cares. So please. If you even have one lick of emotion in your heart, please please use it. Bobby really needs you. We wouldn't have come if he didn't. He didn't want to come himself because it would destroy him even more. Y/N, come back. Come home." Dean said. You turned around and punched the wall. You made a sound that sounded like an angry growl.
"Only you could do this, Dean Winchester! Only you could make me feel guilty! Only you can break me! God, why can't you, both of you, understand that I don't want to go back All me and Bobby do is fight! Do you not know how many times I've considered just ending it because of the things he says? I can't do it anymore! He became what he feared. A mean drunk. Just like his daddy." You whispered the last part. You had tears streaming down your face.
"I'm just a broken girl who keeps breaking at night. I'm tired. I just wanted to hunt with my dad. I was just a little girl who didn't want to worry every night, wondering if her daddy would come home or not. I was a little girl who just snapped. I was a bright eyed, light spirited little girl and that was taken away. He tore me apart the night he said those words. Those few words. They can destroy someone." You whispered. You weren't even talking to the boys anymore. You turned around and walked away from the Winchesters.
"Y/N, we never-" You interrupted Sam.
"You wouldn't have. I kept it inside. I never told anyone." You said.
"We have someone covering your case, Y/N. We're taking you back to Bobby's." Dean said. You shook your head.
"Whatever. I'm taking my car." You said inaudibly.

~after you got your stuff and the car ride to your dads~

You grabbed your bag and got out of your car. You headed inside. You saw Bobby on the couch. He got up with a grunt.
"Sam, Dean-" He stopped dead in his tracks once he saw you.
"Y/N?" He asked. You narrowed your eyes.
"You- Sam! Dean!" You yelled. They both came in sheepishly. You glared at them.
"He totally looks like shit. He totally looks like he fucking needs me and regrets what he said!" You said sarcastically.
"Why is she here?" Bobby asked. You felt like someone stabbed you. He didn't care about you.
"You both need-" Sam started. You stopped him.
"Save it. He didn't- I'm leaving." You said. You tried to shove past Dean, but he grabbed your arm.
"You need to talk to Bobby, Y/N! Tell him what you told us!" He said. You ripped your arm from his grasp.
"I told you nothing." You said and walked out. You weren't going back. You got in your car and drove off. They wouldn't find you this time. You stepped on the gas pedal and sped down the road. You were going over 80- 90- 100. You got to 120 when you got your phone and turned off your GPS. Suddenly, a car came out of no where. You screamed as you collided with the car. Then, everything went black.

You died on the spot and landed in heaven. Sam, Dean, and Bobby, including Cas, gave you the proper hunters funeral. Bobby actually did regret everything he said to you, but he went on with his life. He died of old age. Sam and Dean also carried on and died on a hunt, but it was painless and quick. You all landed in the same heaven. You and Bobby patched things up when he died. Happy ever after right?


If this wasn't what you wanted, I will gladly make another one to your expectations!

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