Chapter Eighteen - Father

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important authors note at the end.


I couldn't help myself, my entire being couldn't deny how much I craved for Jordan's touch. So I finally gave in, gripping the collar of his shirt tightly in my fists and kissing him with every single emotion building up inside of me, before letting my small hands travel to the sides of his face.

When we pulled apart, a tear escaped my eye as I began giggling as though this were hilarious. Jordan wiped it away casually before standing up and grabbing my hand.

My mind couldn't fight it anymore, I wanted to be with Jordan, and that's all that mattered.

"Come on, let's go back inside," he said simply, but I didn't want to. 

"No," I whined, pulling him back down. "Can't we just stay out here?" He sat down next to me, leaning against the wooden porch railings. I wanted to be selfish for just a little bit longer.

I leaned against him, leaning into the crook of his neck and breathing in his scent. 

"What does this mean? Are we going back to California? Because I really didn't think this through, I only packed three pairs of clothes," Jordan said after a little while, his head leaning on top of mine.

 I sighed. "We'll go back soon, I guess. But I haven't been with my family in a freaking long time, I mean, I haven't even been here for a full day," I replied. 

"I get it, Haven, don't sweat it. But I get to stay here, right?" he asked.

I just laughed and nodded reassuringly. "Let's just go back in before my mom thinks you killed me. She's good with a baseball bat."

Jordan laughed and helped me up and back into the house, holding my hand and trailing forward to guide me. Even though I knew exactly where each piece of furniture was, I held on tight, savoring his grip.

"I'm home!" a gruff, and very familiar voice said loudly, the front door slamming. I froze in my tracks, Jordan stopping too.

"Who are you?" the voice said, the voice that I haven't heard in an even longer time than Summer and my mother, now closer.

My dad. 

"No," I whispered. "Get the hell away from me!" I screamed, memories of his taunts and torments coming back, before he had left this family when I was six years old.

"You're a damn burden to take care of!" he yelled, slamming his fist down on the kitchen table, the utensils clattering and making me jump.

"Roy! What the hell do you think you're doing!" my mother hissed, her chair screeching against the kitchen floor to come and grab me out of my seat.

"Daddy..." I began. "It's not my fault I'm blind--"

"Shut up! Even your little sister is more useful than you, and she's two! At least she can see!" he roared, backing his chair out while my mother held me tighter.

"Roy, are we doing this again?!" my mother scolded. "Just leave now before we have to have a repeat of last time!" 

"I'm tired of that damn motel that you make me stay at whenever I bring up the truth, Nancy! Why won't you put her up for adoption?!" he yelled, sounding aggravated.

"She is your daughter! Your firstborn daughter!" she argued back, her voice raised while baby Summer began crying in the background.

"I don't give a shit, Nancy! She's blind!

"So, what?! That doesn't make her less of a human being!" 

Now in the present, tears traveled rapidly down my cheeks, his past words punching me hard in the stomach. "I hate you!" I screamed.

"Haven!" Jordan said, trying to catch me from collapsing onto the floor. "Haven, who is he?!"

"I don't know who you people are--" my father began, until his voice caught in his throat when Jordan spoke. "Haven?"

"Fuck you!" I screamed, ready to launch myself toward his direction and attempt to punch him, or hurt him somehow, but Jordan held my arms back and I struggled, falling to the floor as I cried and swore at my father repeatedly. Jordan wrapped his arms around me, sitting on the floor now as I shook in anger and sadness.

"Roy," I heard my mother say softly. "Come here and let Summer talk to her."

"Haven--" he tried to say.

"Fuck you, I said!" I screamed, my anger beginning to cloud my judgement even more.

His footsteps quickly left the room, leaving me breathing heavily. My body was still racking with tears, and Jordan wrapped his arms tighter around me. I felt Summer sit down next to us.

"Well, first thing's first, dad's back. A month or two after you left, he just showed up on the doorstep. I didn't know who he was since I didin't remember anything from when I was two, so I slammed the door shut because I thought he was a jehovah's witness," she explained, sighing.

I cracked a small smile, my sobs subsiding.

"They made up, and we would've told you, but 1) There was no way we could contact you, and 2) I was scared you were going to react like... like that, I guess. Mom told me all the things he said to you."

I sighed and leaned back against Jordan's chest. "Well, shit, life just has to get more complicated," I muttered.

--- reaaaad dat vvv ---

hey guys, sorry for the really short chapter ;c ive been procrastinating for so long lol.  

also, i have decided, that im going to be sending this book into a publishing company when its all done! of course, completely rewritten, revised, and edited, also with a little bit of a tweaked plotline, a crap ton longer (probably) and a completely different ending.

i just wanted to tell you guys, a little heads up, because i wanted your opinion on it. would it be a good idea, or is this book to cliche/unoriginal/just plain ol' bad and boring?

please give me your opinions! c; 

Votes and Comments greatly appreciated!


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