Chapter Five - Traditions

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A/N Had one of the shittiest days of my life. Time to pour my soul out through writing. XD

Chapter Five - Traditions


I hummed along to the song that was playing on the radio, my foot tapping rhythmically to the beat of my favorite song, Lead the Fight On by He Is We.

Ever since I finally realized that I was unlike the other kids, only available to four senses, I had tried to take advantage of all my other senses.

And that was when I was introduced to the world of music. Learning to play the violin through the Suzuki method was tough, so I resorted to singing, where I only needed to depend on my ear.

Mitch hadn't spoken the entire car ride after our conversation ended, and I eased the awkwardness by asking him to turn on the radio.

Suddenly, Kiss It Better came on, and for some odd reason, Mitch immediately shut the radio off at the sound of the words, "In his arms is the bleeding, love of his life."

Mitch started grumbling to himself, mumbling curses and continuous swears under his breath. I shifted awkwardly in my seat. What has gotten into him? I thought, leaning against the window of the car.


I was deep in thought about Rose, and I flickered my gaze over to Haven in the seat next to me. She was tapping along to the beat of a song that I've never heard of.

Suddenly, an idea flickered in my head. Jordan seemed to like Haven, a lot, might I add.

Maybe it's time for him to realize how horrible it feels to watch the one you love, love someone else. A smirk rose on my face, but it fell just as quickly.

An old song, Kiss It Better, came on the radio. It was Rose's favorite song a few years ago, and now, I can relate to it.

I tried to listen to it, trying to gather any remnant of a memory of her tucked away in my mind. I imagined her swaying along to it, just like Haven was at the moment.

He sits in his cell,
And he lays on his bed,
Covers his head,
And closes his eyes.

He sees a smoking gun,
And the coward he ran,
And in his arms is the bleeding...
Love of his li--

The lyrics got cut short as I shot my arm out to shut the radio off. I couldn't listen to this song anymore without sadness overpowering me.

I began to absentmindedly mutter curse words under my breath, all directed towards Jordan. Haven fidgeted in her seat awkwardly as she leaned against the window.

After a few minutes of awkward silence, we finally reached my house. 

I walked out of the car, and walked around the other side to open Haven's as well. She took a deep breath of air as she stepped out of the car, smiling.

I took her hand and guided her away from the car. We stopped at the front door and at that moment, I remembered, Jordan goes to Starbucks every Friday at exactly two.

I remember when I always saw him and Rose come walking out of school together, their hands intertwined and laughing happily.

Every Friday, they would take the ease off from the stress of school by heading to Starbucks immediately, enjoying each other's company.

I would sit in the small booth in the corner and listen, my hood covering my eyes and my identity. After Rose was no longer here, I stopped going, assuming Jordan did too.

But one Friday afternoon, I went to get a coffee, and saw Jordan sitting in the same booth he always sat in with Rose. His back was turned, and he was here the same time he always came with her.

The drink that he would always get her was across the table while he was sipping on his own, his head bowed slightly as he imagined Rose being there with him.

I swiftly glanced at my watch, reading it 1:45. It was Friday, and I smiled at the coincidence. Time for part one. I thought, smirking.

"Hey, Haven, why don't we head to Starbucks and get you iced tea or something? It's getting kind of hot," I said casually.


I sat on the couch, a twisted grimace on my face. God damn it, Mitch. You're always there, after the girl that I like. I thought.

I grabbed a cushion and threw it at the wall in frustration. Memories of Mitch and Rose snuggled into his shoulder crying, apparently because of me, kept flashing through my head.

"No," I said out loud. "I'm not going to let him have her, not like with Rose."

I thought for a few moments, my mind racing with ways I could see her again somehow. I glanced up at the clock and saw the time. 1:45.

I quickly got up, grabbing my wallet along the way. 

For some reason, I never managed to stop attending the traditions that Rose and I had every Friday. We would walk to Starbucks together, the manager waving us in and smiling from seeing our familiar faces.

I would call out, " Our regulars, please!" as we neared the counter.

I remembered the Friday after Rose had committed suicide, I walked out of school, my mind blank and my feet absentmindedly taking me to our meetup.

"Our regulars, please," I whispered, my voice cracking. I sat down in our booth and waited for the familiar call of "Jordan and Rose."

When I had heard those names being called, I walked up to the counter, I took the two cups into my hands, the ones that once held Rose's, and was about to go back to the booth when a hand rested on mine.

I looked up and saw the manager standing there, a sorrowful look in her eyes. "I heard. I'm sorry, Jordan."

I just nodded and headed back to the booth we always shared, setting the drink she always had across the table.

And now, in the present, I still do.

I walked all the way to Starbucks, and entered the familiar cafe. I called out, "Regulars, please," and I heard the familiar greeting from the manager again.

After waiting a minute or two at the booth, I heard a voice call out, "Jordan and Rose."

I got up and walked over to the counter, grabbing the drinks and leaving the amount of money that I had memorized by then where the drinks had sat.

The manager waved to me and I smiled, acknowledging her. I returned back to the booth, setting both of the drinks down.

I began to sip on the drink when I heard the lady at the counter say, "Mitch and Haven."

I looked up out of curiosity, and I nearly choked on my drink when I saw Mitch and Haven kissing by the counter.

I can't start liking somebody when I don't even know what they look like, my ass. I thought, quoting exactly what Haven had said to me in my head.

A/N Ugh, guys, so sick today. >.< I completely lost my voice... My mom even called me and she kept saying "hello?" because she couldn't hear me respond lol.

Votes and Comments greatly appreciated!


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