Chapter Four - Tension

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A/N Sorry for the wait... ._. IMPORTANT AUTHOR'S NOTE AT THE END. :)

Chapter Four - Tension


My entire body tensed up as I saw Mitch's smile falter and slide into a smirk. "Come on, Haven, time to go," he said quickly, the smirk still present on his face.

All throughout high school, Mitch and I were always worst enemies. I would try to ignore him, I really did, but he made it pretty hard when he would "accidentally" drop his school lunch on me.

"Accidentally" pushed me into the lockers.

"Accidentally" run into me during gym.

"Accidentally" killed my first love.

I sighed at the thought of Rose, her beautiful green eyes and brown wavy hair that reached her hips. Mitch had made her think that I cheated on her.

He made her think that I was the worst guy in the world. Playing girls left and right, "stealing" their innocence before I dropped their heart and shattered it onto the ground.

When reality snapped back to the present, I watched as Haven turned towards me. She smiled and said sweetly, "It was nice to meet you, Jordan, thanks for helping me."

I smiled and replied, "No problem, Haven, it was my pleasure." I picked my words carefully, glaring at Mitch who was still smirking and sliding his arm around her waist.

They must be really close for Haven to be comfortable with that... I thought silently. Lucky bastard. My mind was filling with hatred and envy that had begun to boil up inside me.

I slammed the door when Mitch and Haven was out of earshot. I pulled at my hair, grumbling and cursing loudly.


Even though I couldn't see, I could almost feel the tension between the awkward pauses and utter silences being thrown between Jordan and Mitch.

I tried to speed up the process to avoid getting caught in the middle. I bid farewell quickly, thanking Jordan as he mumbled a polite response.

I shifted awkwardly and prodded at Mitch's side to alarm him that we should leave. He immediately turned, his arm still locked around my waist, which was making me slightly uncomfortable, but I didn't show it.

Once we reached the car, he slid me into the passenger's seat and buckled me in. I smiled and said, "Thanks, Mitch."

Once I heard him climb in next to me, he started the ignition and the car lurched backwards. I leaned my head back, when I realized I probably was never going to see Jordan again.

The thought had saddened me somehow, and I furrowed my eyebrows. I mean, Santa Barbara is huge, and I don't even have a way to contact him anymore.

Darn, I should've asked for his phone number or something... I mean, he seems nice. I thought, sighing.

"Penny for your thoughts?" I heard Mitch ask suddenly, making me jump slightly as I snapped back into reality.

A question suddenly popped into my head. "I was just thinking... Even though I may be blind, I could literally feel the tension in the air," I began.

"Do you know Jordan or something?" I asked, my eyebrows furrowing as I waited for Mitch's response.

I didn't need anyone to tell me that Mitch was uncofortable with this question. He fidgeted in his seat, and cleared his throat.

"Um, well, we uh... kind of knew each other in high school," he began. "And he was a damn bastard."

I raised my eyebrows at the choice of his words. Mitch rarely swore, and never had I heard him sound so angry.

"What do you mean?" I asked timidly.

"There was this girl... Rose her name was. I loved her to pieces, and well, Jordan got in the way between us," he replied simply.

I could feel the awkwardness rising, so I decided not to prod him with more questions. I'm damn glad I didn't ask for his number now... I thought, leaning my head against the cold window.


"Um, well, we uh... kind of knew each other in high school," I began to explain, the anger in me already rising. "And he was a damn bastard," I continued, surprised at my own language.

"What do you mean?" I heard Haven ask quickly.

"There was this girl... Rose her name was. I loved her to pieces, and well, Jordan got in the way between us," I simply said, hiding many details.

My mind reeled back to high school, when I knew Jordan, and Rose.

I loved Rose so much, but so did Jordan. And what made it even worse is that Rose loved Jordan, not me.

It tore me apart whenever I saw Jordan walking the halls, Rose snuggled right up close, looking at him with such love that made my insides boil.

Damn you, Jordan. I thought, my face twisted into such a large grimace that I was glad Haven couldn't see it.

I remembered clearly what I did. I wouldn't let this happen, not over my dead body. I plotted, that I would somehow make Rose leave Jordan.

And when I finally did, Rose was so heartbroken that she did what I least expected her to do.

She took her own damn life, and it was all Jordan's fault. It was not my fault, and I wouldn't let myself believe it. It was all his.

The police never found her body. All that was found was a suicide note that was scrawled in a blotty red ink, which made my heart drop into my stomach.

I remembered the note clearly, tucked away in the deepest and darkest corner of my mind.

Dear everybody,

I hate my life. It is absolute shit. The man I loved for three years broke my heart. He just grabbed it and shattered it on the floor. He fucking cheated on me, and I will never be able to forgive him because I won't even have time to. These are the last minutes of my life before I take it on my own. The world is a cruel place, and I won't let it own me.


My eyes glistened at the remnant of Rose that still was in my mind from four years ago. High school was four years ago, and still I have never managed to move on.

But there was one thing that I had promised to do from then on, and I won't stop until I accomplish it.

Make Jordan's life hell.


A/N Oh hair derr. :3 I AM SO EXTREMELY SORRY FOR THE WAIT! D: But guess what?

I published a book about me, rants, and extras and stuffs, and the first upload was mainly about me. So I would really super duper appreciate it if you could check it out! Thanks guys! <3

Votes and Comments greatly appreciated!


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