Chapter Nineteen - Dinner

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damn. finals are brutal yo. 


We were halfway through dinner, and I sat stiffly at the table, picking at the cloth draping over the sides. The tension in the dining room was almost unbearable, to the point where I was tempted to just get up and leave.

"So how is California?" I heard my father ask, once again trying to break the uneasiness between the two of us.

"Fine," I answered bitterly once again, now grabbing the fork located next to my plate and jabbing hastily at the meat sitting there, untouched.

"Haven, don't play with your food," my mother said immediately.

"I guess I wouldn't have done it if I weren't blind, isn't that right, father?" I hissed, slamming the fork down and pushing my chair out.

I got up quickly, tracing the wall through the hallway beside me to enter the familiar bathroom where I used to hide out in when I was younger.

As I slammed the door shut, it got caught on something, the familiar and satisying slamming noise not reaching my ears.

"Haven, come on," I heard Jordan's soft voice say, instantly calming me.

At first, I didn't reply, and I just focused on breathing. In, out, in, out. Calm down, Haven.

"Jordan, he just frustrates me to no god damn end," I muttered, clenching my jaw and closing my eyes while leaning back against his chest. His arms wrapped around me as he kissed my cheek and rocked me back and forth.

"He only asked you a question, Haven. Give him a chance. He's trying," he whispered into my ear, tickling my earlobe slightly.

I turned around in his arms and dug my face into his chest, breathing his scent in. "Okay. But only for you, Jordan."

He laughed quietly and tucked a stray piece of hair behind my ear before guiding both of us back to the dining room once again.

He settled me down in my seat gently again before he sat down next to me as well.

"Yes, California's great," I said after a few moments.

Before I knew it, Summer cracked a pun, and the entire table was laughing, including Jordan and Jake. I almost forgot about Jake; it seemed like he practically lived here now.


Throughout the entire meal, I couldn't help but notice Haven's father dead-on staring at me, making me shift in my seat and make me uncomfortable.

Afterwards, we settled down in the living room, Haven's legs splayed over mine and her head leaning against my shoulder, yet her father was still staring at me, eyeing me suspicously.

As I eventually got up to use the restroom, I panicked as I heard the steps of Haven's father following shortly behind me.

I turned around as we reached the end of the hallway, completely passing the bathroom.

"Hello, Mr. Carter," I said simply. "I got the impression you wanted to talk to me."

He nodded and his face suddenly stoned. "Jordan, you better not be treating Haven like shit, got it?"  he immediately asked, stepping closer to me. "Because she's got enough of that crap from me when she was younger already, okay?"

I nodded hastily, but he continued. "And I need your help, too." He turned around, pacing slightly and running his hands through his hair. "How the hell do I get her to let me in again? She was pretty pissed when we met again."

I paused for a moment before saying, "I'll talk to her tonight, don't worry about it, Mr. Carter."


"Haven, come on, you've been listening to that book for a while now. Get under the covers and go to sleep with me," I said, pouting and reaching my arms out and grabbing her around the waist.

She giggled, her headphones falling out. "Okay, fine, just let me pause it." 

After she was underneath the blankets, I turned out the lamp beside me and settled down, immediately wrapping my arm around her.

"Hey, Haven?" I asked quietly.


"Your father wanted me to talk to you about you and him," I said, stroking her hair gently.

She sighed after a few moments, before shifting slightly and muttering an okay.

"Are you going to try and open up to him? Maybe?" I asked tentatively, not wanting to push her.

She sighed once again. "I'll try. But it's kind of hard to shake off the words he said to me," she replied, snuggling into my chest.

"Want to talk about it?" I said, looking down at her figure.

"Don't you know he's why I didn't let you in that easily in the first place? Don't you know that even after everything, I know I'm still a burden, Jordan. I can't do a lot of things for you; I can't cook, I can't read to you, hell, I can't even watch a fucking movie with you!" she exclaimed quietly. "Jordan, I'd give up anything to be able to see, just for you."

I breathed out through my nose. "Haven, you're not a burden, for the last time, okay? I love you, blind or not, you're perfect. Now let's go to sleep."

We both drifted off into a peaceful slumber, although mine was broken quickly as my phone started vibrating violently against the bedside table.

Carefuly not to wake Haven, I reached over and pressed the accept button without reading the caller ID, mumbling into the phone a tired hello.

"Hello, this is Dr. Crosse, and I am aware that you have relations with Haven Ruby Carter, is this correct?" the voice said into the phone.

I straightened, gently releasing the sleeping Haven from my arms. "Um, yes, why?" I asked, propping myself up.

"I'm an ophthalmologist, one who studies the eye, and I have a preposition for Haven. Our lab studies have recently discovered a surgery that somebody with the same cause of blindness as Haven could potentially cure. But of course, it is not official, and needs to be... 'experimented,' as to say. But there are always the many precautions and a very large possibility of permanent damage to her eyes, far beyond repair, and of course, even the rare chance of death--"

"She declines," I immediately said forcefully before quickly jabbing the 'End Call' button and tossing the phone back onto the table.

"I'd have lost my mind if I let Haven do anything dangerous like that, even if she wants her eyesight more than anything," I muttered to myself before sliding back down onto the mattress, holding Haven closer to me.

one or two more chapters to go. c; fasten your seatbelts, the endings coming quicker than you think. 

Votes and Comments greatly appreciated!


What Happiness Looks Like - A CaptainSparklez FanFictionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora