Chapter Fourteen - Fistfight

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A/N ayee its been a while... pls dont hurt me ;---;

anyways, my schedules been really tight lately, and i know i promised all of you guys that a super long chapter would be out, and its been like twenty days. oops.

but i have a plan! i wanted to get this chapter out for you guys, so this is only 2000 words. tomorrow, i have a free day, so another 2000 word chapter will be up. the next time i update after that (im not sure when that will be) will be a 3000 word chapter, so i hope his is an okay idea with you guys.

after that, i may take a slight hiatus from wattpad, MAYBE. ill write prewritten chapters and update that every once in a while so i dont keep you guys from waiting, but other than that, ill be most likely pretty unactive.

the reason im doing this is because i have finals coming up soon. not only that but i really need to bump up my grades this term, and this is the last chance i really can do that. 

but im not entirely sure if ill even be able to stay away from wattpad for like a day, so im not sure. lulz.

thanks for staying patient with me, you guys c; 

Chapter Fourteen - Fistfight


"Haven, you do know that you're beautiful, right?" I asked, squeezing my grip in hers. "A beautiful girl with a beautiful soul.." I hummed, making Haven laugh.

Her head tipped back as she laughed, her long brown hair cascading down her back gracefully. We were walking down a quiet sidewalk, enjoying each other's presence.

I saw the familiar long brown hair and outfit across the street just as my eyes wandered over the landscape. She seemed to be standing still, holding her phone in her right hand. "Rose!" I called out, my grip still strong in Haven's grasp.

I saw her whirl around, her face neutral at first, smiling quickly.

Suddenly, her face distorted into a panicked looking expression. She whipped her head back around, her brown curls trailing behind her quickly.

She pulled her arms back before turning to her right and sprinting away down a small alleyway. I was tempted to go and retrieve her, but I thought different as I noticed Haven's confused expression to my right.

I watched her run away in such shock, that I didn't notice Mitch push me back against a nearby wall beside us until I felt the contact of his fist on the side of my face.

"What the hell is going on?!" I heard Haven scream, still clinging onto my hand, not daring to let go. "Jordan, are you okay?! Who are you?!"

I tried to respond, but I was cut short when the fist contacted with the other side of my face, and my grip was wrenched from Haven's strong grasp as I was pushed to the ground.

My vision cleared, and I finally saw Mitch standing above me, his face as red as a tomato, and beads of sweat rolling off from his forehead.

I saw him raise his clenched fist again, and I raised the hand that was pressed against my bleeding temple, a weak attempt to block his punch.

Instead of what I had expected, he grabbed the collar of my shirt and lifted me up, pushing me against the brick wall. My ears rang as the back of my head hit the hard surface.

"How long did you know she was alive?!" he roared, his voice holding a low growl. Rose? Did he mean Rose? I couldn't organize my thoughts into words; the world was spinning around me and blood began to drip slowly down my forehead.

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