Chapter One - Blind

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A/N Hey guys! So welcome to my new fanfiction, What Happiness Looks Like. I'm really hoping you enjoy!

Chapter One - Blind


I was walking down the pavement in the park, letting my German Shepard, Damen, lead me to wherever he wanted to go.

It was currently sometime in the afternoon, and even though I couldn't see the sun, or see anything for that matter, I could feel the sun's rays directly shooting down on me.

Yes, I am blind.

Ever since I was born, I have never seen.

Damen led me to a nearby park bench, seeing that I was starting to get worn out from the long walk.

Ever since I was twelve years old, I've had a dog to help me lead me around town. Honestly, I couldn't have asked for any dog other than Damen, because it's as if he could sense what I am feeling, even if I don't say anything.

I leaned my head back against the back of the park bench, petting Damen as he sat down on the pavement beside me.

I adjusted my sunglasses that covered my incredibly pale blue eyes, as my mother used to describe them to me.

I let out a content sigh before I felt the weight on the bench start to shift as someone sat down next to me.

I turned my head instinctively towards the sound and heard a soothing voice say, "Beautiful day today, isn't it?"

I smiled at the sound of his calm voice. "Yah, I guess it is," I say, not thinking much of how I actually don't know what it looks like even slightly.

I heard the bench creak slightly as the man beside me adjusted his posture. "So what are you doing in the park, today?"

"Just walking my dog, Damen," I said. At the sound of his name, his ears immediately perked up, and I could feel him pad over in front of the stranger.

"Oh, well aren't you cute," he said, right before I heard Damen growl.

He laughed heartily, and I felt the corners of my mouth raise slightly into a smile. "Is he vicious?" I heard the voice beside me ask.

"Nah, he's just really protective, I guess," I replied simply, shrugging.


"Yep, he's been helping out since '06," I said. At this point, I assumed that whoever this man was, knew that I was blind.

I mean, sunglasses and a German Shepard that seems to understand your every move? I think it's pretty obvious.

"Getting a bit warm out here. Want to go get a drink?" the man asked, getting up from the bench.

I smiled. "Sure, why not."

JORDAN'S POV (There's going to be a lot of Jordan's POV because of Haven's inability to see things.)

I was casually walking through the park, scrolling through my Twitter feed. I looked up at the sound of a loud bark.

I saw a very beautiful girl settling down on the park bench near me. She didn't seem to notice me. She took her sunglasses off, revealing a set of incredibly pale blue eyes.

She pushed them back onto the bridge of her nose as she leaned back against the park bench, her left hand petting her dog.

I bit my lip, contemplating whether or not I should try to talk to her. Normally, I would never walk up to a random girl, but this girl seemed... different.

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