Chapter Six - See You Again, Haven

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Chapter Six - See You Again, Haven


We walked into Starbucks, my arm linked in his and my sunglasses slowly siding down my nose. I pushed them back up with my finger just as I heard the lady who I assumed was at the counter call out, "Jordan and Rose."

I almost said something about the coincidence, but Mitch didn't acknowledge it, so I ignored it. He lead me forward before saying quietly into my ear, "What do you want?"

"Black Shaken Iced Tea," I murmured quickly. It was my usual drink that I got every time I came here alone. 

I listened to Mitch order our drinks as I got lost deep in thought. What did Mitch mean when he said that 'Jordan got in the way' between him and Rose?

I just shrugged and shook my head. It wasn't really any of my businness to get into. But my view towards Jordan had slightly shifted.

If what Mitch was hinting at was true, Jordan was apparently a douche, and I was glad that I most likely wouldn't have to see him again.

Suddenly, I felt Mitch lean down into my ear and whisper incredibly quietly, "Haven, you need me to do a huge favor."

I just nodded, curious as to what he meant.

"Don't freak out, okay?" he said simply. I was in the midst of creating a sentence to ask him why, but I could only focus on how close Mitch's mouth most likely was, since I could feel his breath billowing onto my lips.

I couldn't even move, my feet were planted on the floor. I wanted to move away, but it was too late for that.

I felt Mitch's lips being pressed against my own before my mind could comprehend what happened. What the hell is going on? I thought.

Don't freak out, just like Mitch told you not to. I thought. I kissed him back gently, but I wanted to pull away incredibly badly. It didn't feel right, but I still couldn't move.

I heard the lady at the counter call our names, but neither of us pulled apart at the sound of her voice.

He ended the kiss eventually, my lips tingling from the loss of his touch. I shook my head lightly, looking down. "What was that for?"

"Sorry," Mitch immediately said. "My ex is in the corner, and she's been trying to get back together with me. I just wanted to get rid of her," he finished hesitantly.

Understanding shot through me and I nodded, blushing. "No problem helping a friend out," I said casually, laughing.

He laughed too as he guided both of us to where the drinks were sitting. I felt his hand place my drink into my free hand as he took my arm.


As Haven and I both walked in, I immediately saw the familiar turned back and two drinks at the booth that Jordan always sat at.

I smiled. Perfect.

I guided Haven over to the counter as a plan formed in my head. I was going to kiss her, I knew that far, but somehow I need to make Jordan see it.

Just kiss her when the lady calls you and Haven's names. I thought.

I smirked at the plan forming in my head. I leaned down to meet Haven's ear and asked her what she wanted as her drink.

Once we had ordered, I began to take the plan into action. I saw the quick process of one of the men behind the counter create our drinks.

"Haven, you need me to do a huge favor," I said simply. I saw Haven nod quickly in agreement, 

"Don't freak out, okay?" I whispered softly, my lips only centimeters away from hers now. I waited for the person behind the counter to put the straws in so that they would call our names at the right time, whilst we would be engrossed in a kiss.

I leaned forward as I placed them gently on hers, willing her not to ruin this plan. Don't pull away yet, don't pull away. I pleaded inside my head.

"Mitch and Haven," the lady behind the counter called out loudly. I opened my eyes a slit to see Jordan jerk his head up at the sound of our names.

His eyes widened at the sight of us, with my hands around her waist, and her hand still dangling from my arm.

I pulled apart, screaming at the success inside.

"What was that for?" she asked quietly, out of breath.

"Sorry," I immediately said. "My ex is in the corner, and she's been trying to get back together with me. I just wanted to get rid of her," I finished, quickly making up an excuse as fast as I could.


My eyes widened in complete utter shock. When they had pulled away, I'd had enough, The first time he had done this with a girl I'd already loved, it broke my heart.

I don't want to start liking Haven more, knowing that Mitch was going to be involved.

I slid out of the booth, not bothering to take the drinks with me. I left the cafe as quickly as possible, hoping Mitch didn't know I was there; he would've made my life hell.

I started to walk down the sidewalk, my hands shoved into my pockets. After a few moments, my phone started ringing.

I took it out, sliding the answer button across. "Hello?" I greeted.

"Hello, is this Mr. Jordan Maron?" a female voie said.

"Yes, that's me."

"Oh, well, this is Dr. Amber. Your girlfriend's dog is just fine. He didn't break any bones in reality, luckily he only sprained it, since it didn't have a full impact with the car," she said quickly, shuffling of papers present in the background.

"You can pick him up with her by tomorrow, but you need to be here, since you need to sign some paperwork for her," she continued.

I sighed internally. Well, I guess I'm going to have to see you again, Haven. 

--- PLEASE READ :) ---

A/N What is this?! Two chapters in one day?! :o The reason why I did this is because 1) I was sick, so I had lots of time today. And 2) This was more of an "inoformation" chapter, kind of fillery. There was just some things that I needed to clear up in this chapter. 


I am having a Q&A finally! You can ask me questions by commenting on my latest update on my "Extras" book, or you can message me, whichever you'd like. Ask me anything you want! Ask me as much as you want as well!

Votes and Comments greatly appreciated!


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