Chapter Twelve - Happiness

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Chapter Twelve - Happiness


I was walking down the pavement of the road, enjoying the feeling of the cold air whoosh past me, throwing my hair up in different directions.

Damen was leading me to Starbucks, panting quietly next to me.

My mind started to drift back to the day's events. What the hell was I planning on saying when Jordan did get back to his condo? "Oh, sorry for shoving you out of my house and telling you that I couldn't like someone if I didn't know what they looked like, and then I kissed Mitch. Yah. Sorry about that."

I sighed deeply and furrowed my eyebrows together. Mitch... Mitch... I wasn't really sure as to what we were at the moment.

We kissed, we held hands, what did that make us? I just shook my head, confused.

My mind continued to wander until it finally settled on Jordan. I sighed at the thought of his name. I really should have let him explain before I yelled at him.

I've been having strange thoughts about him recently, something I've never felt towards anybody. I was impatient for him to return back to his home, wanting to be comforted by his presence.

I wanted to trace every imperfection on his face and memorize them, and I wanted to spend an entire day with him on the couch, listening to music.

When I thought about how I wanted someone to roll around in the morning and see the love of their life, I wanted them to see me. But I didn't want it to be Mitch.

I wanted it to be Jordan, and I never pieced it together until I felt the longing sensation of wanting him by my side continuously coming back.

I just smiled weakly at how pathetic I was and sped up the pace next to Damen, wanting to get a drink quickly, just in case Jordan gets back to his house.

I could tell that I was getting closer and closer to Starbucks, as I could smell the leading aroma of the small café.

Getting closer and closer, I started hearing voices shouting over each other, clearly arguing. I strained to hear the conversation from far away, but eventually I picked up on the small voices.

" dumb with me! Don't think that I didn't find out about your little affair with who knows how many other girls, while I was committed to you! You always talked about how we would one day get married on the beach and have kids, but the next thing I know, you're off fucking other girls while I'm here, wondering what I did wrong!" the feminine voice screamed. She sounded familiar, but I couldn't place my finger on it.

I heard the deeper voice reply, and I instantly knew who it was. "Ro--" Jordan tried to cut in.

Rose? As in Rose that I just met? ...Cheated? Jordan cheated? That must be what Jordan said Mitch was lying about... That means that Rose, the Rose I was just talking to, was the Rose that was supposedly dead.

Meaning Mitch lied.

Meaning Jordan was telling the truth.

Meaning I was the one that needed to apologize.

At the moment, I wasn't sure what to do. I stood there awkwardly, not sure whether to eavesdrop or not.

"And you probably didn't even give two shits when everyone thought I died! Don't think I actually thought you cared when you asked me all those questions! You probably found another girl twenty minutes later after hearing the news, who, innocent Haven?!" she hollered.

My eyes widened at the sound of my name. Rose thought that I was dating Jordan? What the hell is going on?

" Does she know about that dark part of you, your entire life, you cheating little mm--" Rose continued to rant.

What Happiness Looks Like - A CaptainSparklez FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now