Chapter Nine - Realization

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Chapter Nine - Realization


To be honest, Haven was probably one of the most inspirational people I have met in my entire life. We sat on the couch for quite a long time, and she explained most of how she lived her life with only four senses.

"How do you know what it's like to see if you've never seen before?" I asked, tilting my head slightly and leaning back against the couch.

Haven took a deep breath. "Well, to be honest, I don't." She fiddled with her fingers for a bit, stroking her dog's head gently on the other side of the couch. "But I had a dream once."

"What?" I said, confused. I lifted my head off the back of the seat and leaned forward, curious as to what she meant.

"I had a dream once when I was seven or eight. I could see, or at least what I thought was seeing," she explained, her forehead wrinkling as she tried to remember.

"Wow," I breathed out, taken aback. "What happened in it? What did it feel like?" I pushed on.

Haven took another deep breath as she concentrated. "I have been protestant my entire life, so I thought that dream was a gift. From God. In my dream... I could... I could touch things without having to feel around for them first," she tried to explain.

"I could make out these moving... figures, with my eyes! It was amazing. The doctor I used to talk to about my blindness actually thought that I could see when I was born for about a minute," she continued.

"That was his explanation to my dream, and as to why I knew what it was like to actually see. But I truly think that it was a present from God; and I'll be forever grateful. I even saw a human face in my dream, or at least I think it was a person. I could make out their eyes, nose, and lips, and I could tell what they were because I've touched them all before, I've just never seen them," she finished, sighing.

I leaned my head back, my mind now far from any thought of Jordan. "Wow. That's amazing," I breathed out, trying to take it all in.

My eyesight traveled around Jordan's condo, until the clock caught my eye. 2:20. On a Friday. I felt a wave of nostalgia as I thought about our weekly trips to the small Starbucks we would always go to on Fridays.

Why don't we take a little trip down memory lane? I thought, grabbing my purse that was on the floor in front of the couch that I was sitting on. But what about Haven? I want to see her again at some point.

"Hey, Haven?" I asked. Her eyes lifted towards the direction of my voice, and she nodded. "I have to be somewhere in ten minutes. It was really nice to meet you, and I want to talk to you again at some point," I said, now getting up from the couch.

"Oh, well I live on North Hill Road, house 31. You can come visit anytime you want; it gets rather lonely, even if Damen is here to make everything loud as hell," she said easily, patting her dog's head as he lifted it from the sound of his name.

I laughed at her humorous comment and said, "Alright, I'll see you maybe tomorrow, it was really nice to meet you!" I walked to the door and called out a last goodbye as I opened it with ease and stepped out into the cold crisp air, walking down the familiar route to Starbucks.


I was fuming with anger by the time I reached Mitch's doorstep. WIthout knowing what I was going to say at all, I lifted my fist and banged it against his door, my face most likely as red as a tomato.

After a few moments, the door opened to reveal a smirking Mitch, looking as though he was already expecting my arrival. My lip curled back into a grimace as I saw him turn slightly, his arm welcoming me into his house.

I stormed inside, my insides seething and ready to boil over. I heard the door slam and I turned on my heel, directly in front of Mitch's face now.

His smirk was still present, and I was willing to do anything to just wipe it off his face. This bastard... This lying bastard! I screamed in my head. Before I knew what I was doing, my hands leaped out in front of me and pushed his square in the shoulders, the way Haven did it to me earlier that day.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" I roared, letting my emotions fly free. "You think you could just lie to one of the only people I care about now?! Especially after you killed my Rose?!" I yelled incredibly loudly while pinning him against the wall.

He pushed me off of him, and I smashed into a small corner table, the vase of flowers on it dropping and shattering on the floor. "What the fuck are you talking about?!" he retorted, his voice raised now as well.

I rammed into him with full force, tackling him to the ground and pinning him down. "To Haven! She thinks that I killed Rose! When clearly it was you!" I hissed in his face before releasing him.

He scrambled away on all fours before returning to his feet, his eyes flashing with anger and hurt. He clenched his jaw tightly before arguing back, "Well I guess it's time that you see what it's like to watch the one you love, love somebody else!"

My face discontorted to a look of shock. What? I thought. Who ever said that I liked Haven, nonetheless loved her?

It was then at that point, that I realized. Starting from her eyes, to her nonchalance, to her completely amazing sense of humor, to her perfectly pitched voice, I loved it all. I had all along, I just didn't realize it until now, when it was forcefully shoved into my face.

My eyes flickered over the mess that Mitch and I have made from our fight, and my eyesight grazed over the large clock he had hanging on the wall next to the stairs. 2:20. Friday. I immediately walked out of the house, flinging the door shut without saying a word to Mitch.

He may ruin my entire day, he may be the cause that Rose was no longer here, but he will never break the tradition that she and I had, not even her.

I reached Starbucks about fifteen minutes later, and I glanced down at my watch. 2:35. Slightly late. I thought. Whatever, who cares, anyways?

I began to think about Haven as I neared the entrance of the cafe. I thought about how happy and at ease she looked whenever she laughed or smiled, and how her hair cascaded down past her shoulders. It all set a smile on my face.

I entered Starbucks with a large grin still present on my face. I walked up the counter, and said happily, "Originals, please!" The manager glanced up at me, and she smiled at me, as if she knew why I was so happy.

I went to go sit down in the usual booth we sat at, but I saw the back of a girl already sitting there. I shrugged. Oh well, I'll just sit somewhere else for today, but she better not sit there whenever she comes here! I thought.

I sat down at an empty table and pulled out my phone, dawdling and wasting time, waiting for the two drinks to be ready.

"Jordan and Rose!" I heard the manager's familiar voice ring out inside the cafe. I pushed my chair back loudly and got up to grab the drinks. When I reached the counter, I reached out and grabbed one of them, but a hand that didn't belong to me bad grabbed the other one.

I hastily turned to my right to try and explain that that was my drink as well. "Excuse me, but that's--"

My eyes widened at the familiar jade green gaze staring into me. I dropped the drink I was holding, and I heard the sound of the plastic cup bouncing on the floor, the liquid inside splashing.

"Rose," I whispered.


A/N Hey guys! Apologies for the long-ish wait! I literally have no excuses, I've just been so lazy, lol! But I promise a chapter will come out tomorrow, maybe even two, because I have no school tomorrow! YAY! :D

Votes and Comments greatly appreciated!


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