Chapter 23

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1 year later

"Georgia, you're going to be late," mom yelled. Yes. Graduation day. And I was so excited. In fact, I was president of the senior class. And it was my duty not to be late.

I walked downstairs, with my speech in hand. Only note cards, that's all I ever needed. When I won queen of prom, I had my speech already written in case, on note cards. And Abraham? He was my king. 1 year going strong. We were in love and graduating. And the best news.......going on a tour this summer.

"Yes mother," I said coming downstairs. Louis and mom were getting married in a week, of course I had my dress. And this was a big step for me. I was finally battling high heels.

I ran downstairs of course wearing converse with a sparkly navy dress with red beads on the top. And of all the things I could do I straightened my hair and left it alone. ABRAHAM and I made it a point to do one last dance at the prom to his new song Hableme so we promised each other to keep graduation simple. But I was not simple.

When we arrived at the school, I drove myself but mom followed, Abraham was waiting for me in the front. He kissed me gently and then guided me inside. I loved this man. He was 18 and I just recently turned 17. I was excited too. We were going to tour! Together!.....

"Well we did it, graduation day. We are finally getting out of here. We were all looking forward to this day. In the beginning we were, jocks, singers, dancers, writers, scientists, and oh so much more. And now we graduate as just, humans. We will make so many mistakes and mess up so many times. We will get drunk and call our mom and dad to pick us up. We will get 1 bad grasde in college and wanna quit, but we won't give up, because we are talented and bright young people, and we are all ambitious. And we all represent the same thing, the future. We shine as bright as Ember skies."

Grandpa was watching. He smiled when I said that only because he said that a year ago.

"And so seniors, I must bid you a due and tell you that some of you I'll see, everyday from here on out and some of you I will see, again soon and I habe to give a shout out to one teacher in general, Diego, you taught me to open my heart to all things, and glad to have had you for a teacher for the past 4 years. And Lyala, my best friend who is sitting in the audience, thank you for being my best friend. And to my boyfriend Abraham, I love you, I'm so glad I had you to get through the year. Mom and dad, y'all have been the most amazing parents I could ask for, so way to go seniors we did it."

Confetti and balloons fell from the ceiling. ABRAHAM looked surprised at first then chuckled. He knew me  and the audience applauded and parents cried and cheered. It was a happy day.

*A week later.

Mom was getting her dress on. I was in a burgundy knee length dress with sparkles on it, strapless of course. And silver shoes, heels. I hated heels but for mom id do anything. I had not been in Danielles wedding yet because they were willing to hold off another couple of weeks for mom's. And so, I was here, waiting patiently.

"Georgia your mother wants to see you," grandpa said coming into my room. Good thing I was dressed.

I ran downstairs and seen mom in a beautiful mermaid style dress with lace all over it, and it was quarter sleeved. She had her hair pinned up with a crown veil that had lace on it too.

"Mom you're so beautiful," I said. She smiled. I knee what she was thinking and I started blushing. She was going to say I did to. I had my hair curled and pinned to one side with lavender makeup on the top lids and eyeliner on the bottom.

"Georgia, I want you to sing for my reception, well you and Abraham, can you do that for me," she asked. I was taken back by that.

"Sure what song," I asked her. She sighed.

"Well, since it's going to be a duet I was hoping you'd do my favorite duet song, which I've never told you what that was," she paused for a moment and then took a breath.

"From this moment."

"Um, sure but I thought you had your songs picked out already," I asked. She smiled.

"I did, but I want you two to sing for me," she said. So I agreed and left iin my car.

*Mom had walked in taking Louis hand. Of course the love in their eyes were enough for me to know Abraham and I were meant to be together. He sat in the audience smiling at me. I hadn't noticed when mom and Louis said 'I do.' But the reception was not far behind. And it was a beautiful wedding indeed.

Abraham and I got upon the stage and sang our song together. We loves each other so much that you could feel it. And at the end of it, I seen him get down on his knee and a box in his hand.

"Georgia, i love you so much, and that's why I asked your mom and dad to.simg with you, so I could show you just how much," he opened the box. There was a beautiful square cut diamond ring inside!!

"I want to spend every moment with you of everyday for as long as I live, I want you to know just how much I do love you so, Georgia Roselynn Payne, will you marry me."

I nodded and tears formed in my eyes. I didn't know what else to do but he took my hand and slid the ring on my finger.

"Yes, oh my goodness yes I love you so much," I said. He picked me up swinging me around and kissed me gently. The crowd clapped and whistled. Mom and dad seemed happy and I'll bet he asked for their blessing.

*Abraham and I decided to wait a couple years, and buy a house first. I wanted to study dance and music in college so he understood that. But we did make it easy for each other. We worked together and decided on things. But that's not where the story ended. This was just a proposal, the wedding, was coming, and that meant planning, something I was great at.

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